The Sacrifice

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"I didn't get around to kiss you

Goodbye on the hand
I wish that I could see you again
I know that I can't
Oh, I hope you can hear me,
'cause I remember it clearly
The day you slipped away
Was the day I found it won't be the same, no"
- Slipped Away, Avril Lavigne

Before Maya could make sense out of anything that had just happened, she heard a loud bang outside, then the alarm going off and henchmen yelling at each other. Rue screamed and jumped away from the door, immediately closing it.
Maya stood up quickly, alerted and on the go, but before any of them could properly react, she heard a loud voice.
"Where is he?", the intruder yelled.
Then there was another loud noise, the door got kicked in and Drift walked in.
"What the hell is going on?", someone asked and it was exactly Maya's thought.
"Where is Midas?"
Drift did look extremely angry, probably because of Sunbird, which made Maya wonder how much he actually cared about her.
"You do realize that it was an accident, right?", Maya asked, carefully to not anger him more, but Drift shook his head and laughed.
"And do you realize", he said as he came closer, "that the guys who worked for Deadpool were hired by Midas as well as Deadpool himself? Your boss is more than any of you think and I've had enough of him pretending to be the king of this damn island. If you don't stop him, I will."
Maya, unable to speak after that revelations, tried to process Drift's words. If it all was just a setup, what did Midas plan and why would he need to turn people to gold? Or is that his way of getting rid of people who knew too much. If so, why hasn't he gotten rid of her and Arachne yet? "There is no need for violence. Not today or ever, as long as I'm here to stop you." Arachne spoke up and everyone immediately listened. "All of us need to stop villainizing each other and work together, because that is the way to save the ones we have lost thus far. Drift, I beg of you to calm down and think clearly, if that pretty little head of yours is able to do such a thing."
"But we do need to speak to Midas", Lynx added and stepped forward. "We can't ignore the fact that he is planning something."

Drift nodded. "You know, on my way here I encountered Deadpool and I started to wonder, how the hell is he alive? After what you said last night, he was at the bottom of the ocean, locked up and golden, but he told me something. About the man he was hired to kill. I am supposed to give to you this message."
Ignoring the fact that Deadpool was alive, which confused her a lot, Maya was curious. "Well what is it?"
"Let me quote: The guy you're looking for is big, buff, and scary. He has a huge llama tattoo on the back of his egg head. That's all Deadpool saw before that guy put some mask on. Whoever he is, and I think I know because I know everything, he has huge balls to get a llama tattooed on his damn head. End of quote. You have your message, now I want Midas."
Maya stared in disbelief.
"Wait, are you telling me that Mr D is..."
"That's it", Lynx said as she pressed a button on her watch, which activated her suit, "I'm gonna find Midas because all of you are too emotional to speak to him and I certainly don't care. Neither about him, nor his sister."
With that she left the room and left Maya wondering if what Drift had delivered was true and whether or not they'd see Lynx again...

Lynx POV
She was tired of everyone acting like Midas was the biggest problem. There certainly were other issues that shouldn't have been ignored, but clearly no one cared.
Lynx went to the elevator and down into the basement, hoping that she'd find her boss  there in his room, or at least get a glimpse at it. Of course she knew she was at risk of awakening his anger and turning her into a statue, which certainly wasn't something she wanted.
Surprisingly, the door to Midas' room wasn't locked, not as usual, and Lynx went inside. She had never been there, as far as she knew, no one had. It was the only privacy Midas had.
When she entered, she saw what she'd expected: plenty of statues of people she knew. There were helmets hung on a wall and it kinda scared her, but she knew better than to letting the far come to her. A shiver went down her spine when she found Sunbird.
"Girl... I'm so sorry", she whispered and carefully touched her, hoping she'd somehow feel it. "They're working on getting you all out of here..."
As she continued to look around, she saw plenty of creepy stuff, but what scared her the most was the gigantic machine on the other side of the room behind windows.
"So that's his plan...", she whispered silently and continued walking around. Lynx had a short glimpse at the picture of a girl on a cupboard, before the light flickered.
The young woman spun around and found Midas sitting in a vintage wing chair, looking even more like a cliché villain.
"That's Marie", he said, his voice mesmerizing, but definitely not sounding like himself. "Most of the things Midas is doing are for her."
Lynx tried to relax her body and walked towards Midas. She knew she wasn't talking to him, there was someone else in front of her Someone much more dangerous.
"And who are you, if you aren't Midas?"
"I am many things", the man in front of her answered and stood up, slowly walking and circling her. As he did, Lynx thought she could see how he flickered and turned into a skeleton for a second. "and I have many names, but most of your kind know me as Oro."
"And where is Midas?" Her voice was thin, her heart pounding. She was in trouble and there was no way to warn the others.
"I am in some way Midas. You could say, I am an upgrade of him."
Lynx had one hand behind her back, ready to pull her weapon and end all of this.
"And where did he go?"
"He is asleep. As he should be. He has fulfilled his duty and, in a way, resurrected me. Now he has earned some rest.
Now, Oro stood still and glared at her.
"And what are your plans? Are you going to turn all of us into gold and then blow up the island?"
A laugh that send shivers down her spine. Ancient and broken, as if the vocal cords hadn't laughed in a long time.
"No, that would be too easy. There are only a few necessary sacrifices to be done and I shall be freed from my chains to bring back my kingdom."
Oro came closer and Lynx backed up, throwing a vase down in the process, which seemed like the perfect distraction. She breathed heavily and finally pulled the gun, but Oro was faster.
"Dumb girl", he said, as he grabbed her wrist and twisted it until she had no choice but to let go of the weapon, which Oro grabbed and pointed at her. She could hear a shot, then agonizing pain right between her ribs and then someone screaming louder than anything she had heard before.
"You shouldn't have done that." Oro let the weapon go and she felt herself turning hard, turning into gold and at the same time falling, spinning, as thinking got more difficult until there was nothing she could see or hear and then she let go and drifted into the eternal warmth of darkness.

A/N: God I feel bad for killing her off,,,, sorry. And idk but this chapter felt so, rushed and weird to me but i have no idea how to approach any of this and we're kinda slowly reaching the end which makes me sad

But anyway, I hope you enjoyed and I'd love to read your comments!

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