Past Times: Living Together Is Useless [With Two Broken Hearts]

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『 Look at where we are
Look at where we started
I know I don't deserve you, my love
But hear me out
That would be enough
If I could spare her life
If I could trade her life for mine
She'd be standing here right now
And you would smile, and that would be enough
I don't pretend to know
The challenges you're facing
I know there's no replacing what we've lost
And you need time
But I'm not afraid
I know who I fell in love with
Just let me stay here by your side
That would be enough.』
- It's Quiet Uptown, Hamilton

Four weeks after the incident

Maya was exhausted that evening, when she stepped into the house, her shoes dirty from garden work. Matt and her had moved uptown after the incident, trying to process what had happened. Marie was dead, killed by a hitman, at least that's the story Maya had heard. Both, Marie and Matt were held captive at the house and when Matt tried to save her, she was shot.
Ever since then, Maya barely got to see her fiance, he usually only left his room when he went into the basement, where she wasn't allowed to go. At some point, they established a routine, because Matt never showed up to eat, so Maya would make dinner and bring put it on the table next to the door that lead downstairs to Matt's little paradise or whatever. He didn't like it when she called him by his name and hated it even more, when she talked back.
Maya did get tired of him not caring anymore, and whenever she confronted him, he ignored her completely. At first, he at least talked to her and explained the whole thing with the magic, how he apparently had to dedicate himself to some secret mission or something.
She didn't even bother to ask him if they'd sleep in the same room from now, because the moment the house was theirs, he claimed a bedroom for himself, right at the end of the hallway. When he did say something to her, he only asked when she'd next go to the grocery store and that he needed something from there and  whenever he left his room, he'd lock it and sometimes Maya couldn't help but eavesdrop and hear him talk to himself. Sometimes, she heard her name, sometime Marie's, and sometimes she'd hear him slap himself.
Of course, Maya tried her best to help him. He blamed himself for Marie's death and ever since then shut her out, but she's had enough, so that evening, after Maya had taken a shower, she knocked on Matt's door, her hands sweaty.
Yes, there were some good days on which he sat on the couch with her. Yes, there were days on which she'd see him smile, but usually when he was in the living room, he'd practise to win control over his powers. And sometimes, he'd ask her to look at his wound. The eye, according to doctors, had no chance of healing. He'd eventually go blind but didn't seem to care.
Today wasn't one of the good days, though, and when Maya knocked, she didn't get an answer, but she didn't give a damn and opened the door, and there he was, lying in his bed, facing the wall. The cat was there too and Maya couldn't help but smile. When he was like this, he seemed so innocent and she missed him even more.
Quietly, Maya closed the door and sat on his bed. She didn't know why he wouldn't let her in here, but for now it didn't matter. It didn't matter that Matt would probably yell at her again.
"Hey..." She sat down on his bed and put a hand on his back, carefully caressing it. "I know you don't appreciate me being here but I... I just can't take this anymore. I know you need space and time to process what happened, but I feel so shut out and I believe you need company." She had wanted to stay calm, but as she spoke, all the frustration just came out. "I miss Marie too, more than anything and you not talking to me feels like punishment. I love you and I can't take one more second of this. Please talk to me! I'm really worried, and so is someone else. Your foster mom, do you remember? Arachne? That woman loves you with her whole heart, takes care of you and raised you and you just decided to not talk to her anymore!"
He didn't react at all and that cracked her. Tears that she'd been holding back for the past week just streamed down her face, as she yelled at him.
"Just say something! Do you think it's easy for me to live like this? Be here every second of the day with you without having a proper conversation? What do I have to do for you to talk to me? I can't do this anymore..."
"Then go..." He said that so nonchalantly, still facing the wall.
"I can't... I promised myself to be with you forever. For better and worse, you know? And I just can't help but feel that you would be better off with Marie, wouldn't you? I should have died that night... not her, is that what you think?" 
And that's what got him moving. He sat up, looking her straight in the eyes, his healthy one tearing up. "Neither of you should be dead, Maya. I will fix this. I will fix all of it." And with that, he shoved her away and stood up, heading for the door and leaving her alone with the cat.
Roy meowed softly and hopped into her lap and she petted him.
She wanted to scream, wanted to tell Matt to snap out of it or even better, get the hell out of there and leave him and his miserable idea of what's best alone, but instead she still sat there, looking ay the cat, and silently sobbed.
"I don't know, kitty... we can't do much, can we?" Maya wiped the tears away and the cat meowed again. "I miss him too, but I guess he needs time."
His room still smelled like him and suddenly she realized what she had lost. His warm smile and childlike personality, when they had a day off and were doing something together. The way he cuddled with her at night when Maya couldn't sleep. Just knowing that he would always be there for her. Maya sighed, then she took the engagement ring off and put it on the bedside table, then she lay down in Matthew's bed, breathing in his body odor, Roy starting to purr right next to her. Eventually she was dozing off, barely noticing that Matt had come back, tucked her in and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "I'm sorry..."
When he left again, he left with the cat, but by that time, she was already fast asleep.

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