An Interview: What We Try To Forget

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~ April, Seven years ago ~

A young woman, just 19 years old is sitting at a desk, her hands folded, eyes still red from crying. Her brown hair is in a tight pony tail, shaved on both sides. She is trying to keep herself together and wants to stop herself from sobbing again. As the detective enters the interview room, she wipes the tears away.

Detective: Good Day, Ma'am. I am Detective Ren and I am here to ask you a few questions about the incident. I hope you have been made aware that you are, in no way, a suspect, but you are a witness and in my knowledge the victim's fiancée. My deepest condolences for your loss.

The young woman doesn't answer. Instead, she starts sobbing again.

Detective Ren: Now, I know that your fiance was part of an organization that is using illegal means to get what they want. Before I do go further with the questioning, I need you to state your name, age, and relationship to the victims.

The Woman: My name is Maya. Maya Mills. I am nineteen years old and the fian- ex-fiancée of Matthew Eldorado. I had no significant relationship to the other victims, except that Marie Eldorado was a very good friend.

Detective Ren: Very well. So, back to the organization Mr and Miss Eldorado were in-

Maya: I didn't know. I knew that they were working for someone but I didn't know who it was. Matthew barely ever talked about it. What I did know is, what their experiments were about. The whole.... lead turning into gold thing... but anyways, I only suspected something was wrong, when it was too late and when Marie was... gone.

Detective Ren decides not to interrupt her. He knows that a question could make her go back to her sobbing state and Ren wants answers.

Maya: Matthew suddenly seemed obsessed with his work and with bringing his sister back. God, he even experimented with his cat and I had to take that poor thing away from him. The cat is a male calico cat, you know? They're very rare.
I knew, Matt wouldn't stop until his sister was with him again. I knew, I could have helped him get over his loss. Lord knows, I miss Marie more than anything in the world, we spent a lot of time together as children.
Anyways, Matthew changed, and certainly not for the better. He didn't leave his room unless he was going to his lab, and barely ever talked to me. He wouldn't allow me to interrupt and if I ever did, he would yell at me. Sometimes I heard him talking to himself and sometimes I heard noises, as if he was hurting himself.
I was going to get out of there because I couldn't handle how much he had changed, but I knew I had to be with him. He had no one else. For weeks, I was the only person he would talk to, and even if it only were a few words each day. As far as I know, Matthew never called his foster mother. He used to call or text her every day but he just... stopped. And there had never been a funeral for Marie. I don't know what was going on but I sure as hell wanted to find out, and so I sneaked into his lab one day, when he was asleep. And then I saw her... and God, that face. I have never seen so much pain and disappointment in someone's face, and in that moment, I heard noises. A silent meow and...

Miss Mills keeps talking and the detective writes everything down, before he eventually thanks her thoroughly for her cooperation. With that, she is free to go. And she knows exactly where her path is taking her.

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