Storytime: The Tale of Two Siblings

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Matthew Eldorado was a ray of sunshine as a young boy. Never sad, never complaining. Quite the fairy tale character, so no one expected that he would go down the path he did after his sister Marie disappeared.

The Eldorado siblings had lost their parents when they were only 14 and 16 years old. With their father already abscent most of the time, losing him wasn't as agonizing as losing their mother, who had loved and cared for them dearly. Despite Matthew's anger as he got older, he never forgot the times when his mother sat by the bed at night, singing to Marie and him. Her voice guided him through the darkest days and the brightest nights and when Matthews turned 20 years old, he had already been in a relationship for two years, so eventually he proposed to this girl of his dreams, the girl that had always been there for Marie and him. And Maya Mills truly was the perfect fiancee, though two years younger, she was very mature and independent.
The three of them moved into a small aparment, which had an extra room for Matt and Marie's lab and then the siblings started their work.
Both of them had been employed by quite a mysterious gentleman whose name they never knew. What they did know was what their job was: They wanted to find a way to turn lead into gold and to do so, they had to experiment quite a while. To get the money they needed, they were tasked with small duties. Selling stuff from their boss, robbing people here and there. The Eldorado siblings did everything to eventually have enough money for what they wanted to do.

Half a year later, they finally succeeded. It wasn't a big piece of gold, merely a speck, but it was enough for them to get a raise from their boss. So they moved away, Matthew's fiancee with them. From then on they lived at an underground location by a beach, working day and night.
What no one knew was, that Matthew had been seeing a creature in his sleep, a deity that introduced itself as a fallen king. That deity told the boy that it had been waiting in the shadows for thousands of years, just to find a descendantthat would be willing to free it, and Matthew was the one. Matthew, of course, was in doubt but that deity kept pushing and pushing until one night... he just gave in.
The nameless deity promised Matthew an unimaginable power, one that would solve all of his problems, because Marie and him were very unhappy: They had realized that their work would never come to fruition and both of them got in trouble more than once.
It might be wise to mention, that Matthew and his fiancee Maya were indeed very close, but he never mentioned the organization the siblings worked for. He didn't tell her about the bad conditions or about the criminal life they led. Maya knew nothing. But that was about to change. Everything was going to change.

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