Past Times: The Calm Before The Storm

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"If you see the boy I used to be
Could you tell him that I'd like to find him
And if you see the shell that's left of me
Could you spare him a little kindness
Am I broken?
Am I flawed?
Do I deserve a shred of worth or am I
Just another fake, fucked up lost cause?
And am I human?
Or am I something else?
'Cause I'm so scared and there's no one there
To save me from the nightmare that
I call myself."
- Broken, Anson Seabra


A/N: This chapter is absolutely and 99,9% dramafree and wholesome. Please enjoy because that's the last treat you're getting before we're approaching the final few chapters/ the final... uh.... arc.

The start is kinda bad because I had a small writer's block and wasn't really sure what to write lmao forgive me.


Two weeks later

It wasn't that he hated being at this underground base, but Rue was getting on his nerves. He'd been there for two weeks now and she kept pouring salt into his wounds. Midas spent most of his time in an assigned room, where he was left by himself. Usually he was in a trancelike state, talking to Oro, every now and then he was playing board games with the nine year old, Skye, who apparently was a distant relative of Rue.
There wasn't really much more for him to do. He was trapped, unable to escape with security men posted at every exit. Midas still wasn't sure what exactly he was doing there and why they kept him, but apparently they were building something huge, something that he was going to be in charge of. He knew, they didn't trust him but they also seemed to worshipped the fact, that he was the descendant from the prophecy, and so he rolled with it. Not that there was another option.
Three days ago, Brutus had called him in and showed him what would happen if he didn't cooperate: Marie would burn, or rather melt, as Brutus had a gigantic room built just for this exact purpose. He had the necessary recourses to melt gold and wasn't afraid to use them.
Midas' good old dad didn't give a single damn about his own children and this was prove enough. Of course, Midas cared about Marie. Of course he was devastated over the loss of Maya, but he had been noticing that as of lately, he was barely feeling anything at all. He had gone back to not talking to anyone, except for when it was absolutely necessary. The little girl was the only one he joked around with, actually the only person he agreed to spend time with. It was better this way. No one could judge him, and Oro was satisfied, though everything seemed dull and he felt like he was trying to swim through jelly.
Today though... today was his birthday. He was turning 21, way too young to go through any of this. Other people his age normally worried about not having the most expensive car, meanwhile his greatest worry was the demon inside him and a father that was threatening to murder his very own daughter, if Midas didn't do as he was told, and yet he didn't even know what was coming for him.
So much had happened in the past year, had gone wrong because of him, and yet he was the only one who'd gotten out of it alive.
A knock snapped him out of his thoughts and he turned to look at who was coming in.
The girl, Skye, ran to him. "Midaas! Happy birthday!", she yelled as she hopped onto his bed and put a paper crown on his head. "Rue said you're really, really old now so I have to be careful with you but I know that she is a big liar, so let's go and kill some evil gnomes!"
Midas had since found out that the girl lost her parents in an accident at a young age and had been living with Rue since and it seemed that after all, the both of them, Rue and him, had a common weak spot and its name was Skye. She reminded him of Marie in some way, but much more energetic and like a little puppy, always keeping everyone busy.
Her only friend was imaginary, a certain gentleman named Oliver Guff and Midas had seen plenty of drawings of the pink creature.
"Evil gnomes? Where are they now?"
"Everywhere! And they're fighting my teddies, we need to stop them!"
So it was another one of those games. Skye had been chasing the notorious gnomes since he arrived and everytime she wanted to be something else. Either a knight, or a magician, sometimes a cowgirl, or something completely different. He wondered what she was today. Midas didn't really mind playing with her like that. It took his mind off other things, besides no one else had time for her and he had plenty. Though he enjoyed it, he was having a hard time to express it or even commit to, as she called it, roleplay this entire "war".
"Well then, Lady Skye, let's not waste any more time and go into battle."
"No, no, no! I don't want to be a knight today! Let's be... agents!"
"Well then, Agent Skye, let's infiltrate the headquarters of the gnomes and free the bears."
Satisfied, Skye hopped off the bed and ran to the door. Midas followed her slowly, as a knock on the door made him stop. Without an answer, Rue stepped in. "The games have to wait. Your father wants a word with you, Midas."
"Can I come too?", Skye asked and smiled her undoubtedly convincing smile.
"No, Bubblegum, you can't. But you can come with me", Rue answered and Midas wondered where she would take her, as she walked out of the room, Skye's hand in hers.
"What does he want now?", he eventually asked Rue, but she didn't answer until he followed her.
"He might have his ways of breaking you, but today is your birthday. He probably has a gift. Lighten up dude, our job isn't to permanently torture you emotionally. See you later, Clumsy." With that, her and Skye walked down the hallway and turned right, while Midas continued straight ahead. When he found the door that lead to his father's office, he stood still for a second, because he wasn't ready for whatever was about to come. Then he knocked and walked in.
"You wanted to speak to me?"
Brutus turned his head to him and walked over. "Indeed. Call me old fashioned, but a man's 21st birthday is of great importance. I missed your other birthdays, son, but I am doing the best I can to prevent this from happening again."
"It's just another day, there is nothing special about it."
That was the first time, Midas saw his father smile. "Oh, but your birth changed a lot. Once I told your mother about my heritage, she was fire and flames to be the one who gives birth to the future vessel of the Fallen King. She founded this very organization just for you, son, so that you have every support you need to fulfill your destiny."
"I believe that Oro has failed to make it clear to me what exactly my so-called destiny is. All I know is that I am only an empty shell to him, ready to serve as his vessel."
"There is plenty more for you to do than that. Now, son, I have a question. Does he ever talk to you?"
Midas got tired of this conversation. It was obviously just to gather more information.
"Occasionally, when I'm asleep. Why?"
"Ask him about the prophecy. Until then, let us put all this beside. It's your birthday, we should celebrate. I have gifts for you."
"I don't think I want any of your gifts. You've made it clear that you have no interest in your son, but rather what's in store for you the moment everything works out."
"Oh, but what makes you think I don't care about you? You are my flesh and blood, son. My legacy. If I should be no more one day, all this will be yours."
Midas couldn't help but to laugh. One day wasn't enough. One day Oro would be the one in charge of this body.
"If you cared about me, you would let me use the fleece on Marie. She is your child too, what about her?"
"Marie's role in this is to make sure that you do as you're told. The fleece stays where it is, hidden and secured, and there will be no further discussion. Now, on to your presents."
Brutus walked to the other side of the room to get two small packages with which he approached Midas again.
"Though I don't know how much you care about materialistic items, I do hope these two gifts please you." He handed Midas the packages, who eyed them curiously, before purting one down on the table.
Carefully, he took the lid off the first one and had a look inside. It was a key, maybe for a car. When he looked back up, there was an image of a yacht displayed on Brutus' computer.
"She is all yours. You can name her however you want and it's up to you whether you will stand on her soon or not. A big yacht, security and barkeepers at your service when you need them. Now look at the second package."
He didn't care much about a yacht, let alone the staff, so Midas took the other present and opened it. Again, nothing but a key and when he looked up, there was a blueprint of what he now owned: an island with a gigantic house. Rocks stood tall on two sides and were formed like a shark.
"Your own house. Much better than the one the three of you lived in back when you worked for me. Same as the yacht, you have your own staff and both come with a vault where you can put your riches."
"But why all that?"
"To prove that I trust you and to give you a start. I cannot give you your mother or loved one back, but I can gift you with neverending riches."
"To manipulate me and treat me like your puppet? Is that what it is?"
Brutus shook his head and before he could say something else, a knock on the door made both of them turn around.
"Come in! Your last gift is here."
Midas wondered what it was, and as he Skye ran into the room, she was followed by Rue and the catman.
"You almost killed this guy, but lucky for you we have some of the best scientists", Rue explained.
The catman was wearing pants, shoes, and a black shirt.
"Can he talk?"
"Ask him yourself."
And so Midas came closer to the buff cat. "Can you?"
But the catman just meowed loudly, a deep meow.
"So he can't talk", Midas concluded.
"Oh, he can. Put this ear piece in", Rue said as she handed him one. He did as she said, quite confused.
Now, the catman said something and Midas was able to understand him.
"It automatically translates languages so that we can communicate without any complications. Now, listen, Clumsy. Your little experiment here isn't going handle himself. You've created him, so you take care of him, understood?"
Midas hestitated, but nodded.
"I gave him a name!", Skye announced, "because he is so muscular and he meows, I named him Meowscles. Is that a good name, Auntie Rue?"
"The best", she replied with her fake smile.
Midas couldn't help but smile too.
"That's really smart, Skye."
"I am smart", she replied with a smile, then she walked over to Meowscles and touched his arm. "And you're fluffy!"
"Thank you", Midas could hear the catman say through his earpiece.
That was quite fascinating. He wondered how much of Roy and how much of Rue's pal was in the creature before him. How damaged was this hybrid really and could he survive longer than a few months
"Ladies, gentlemen, and cats, I have work to do. If you would step out of my office now. We can meet up later for a few drinks, son. A little celebration. But now go", Brutus eventually bellowed, and they all left.
"If you don't mind, the big kitty is coming with me. We want to... find out more about his DNA and I assure you that there will soon be a day when they'll want to know how you did it", Rue said as they walked side by side, Skye behind them, holding Meowscles' hand because it was incredibly fluffy according to her.
"Don't you dare hurt him. For the sake of Skye. She loves him." He didn't care much about the cat himself and more about the fact that the girl had already taken a liking in Meowscles.
"Don't worry. Now you go play with the little plague or do whatever you're doing by this time of the day. From now on it won't all be sunshine and unicorns, we have much work to do, Clumsy." And then Rue disappeared, turning right, the cat following her. Skye walked next to him and he looked down at her. "Can we now go and kill the gnomes?", Skye asked curiously, but Midas shook his head.
"I'm tired, Starfish", he answered. The nickname Starfish had come up the first time they went against the gnomes, back when the girl had wanted to be a pirate. It stuck with her ever since and she seemed to enjoy it.
"Maybe later, okay?"
Skye nodded disappointed, but immediately spotted someone else she could keep busy, and so Midas walked to his room and fell into his bed. The keys for the yacht and island villa or whatever it was dropped on the ground, as he soon fell into his trance to talk to Oro.

Matt awoke in the throne room and looked around. Oro wasn't sitting on the throne, but rather staring out the window to look at the outside.
"You want to know the prophecy now, don't you, boy?"
Matt nodded. "Yes. What is my purpose in all this? There is more than what you told me, isn't there?"
"You're not ready to learn the truth just yet." Oro walked away from the window. "Follow me", he said as he left the throne room and walked down the hall, Matt behind him. They walked and walked until they eventually reached an idyllic garden, flowers growing everywhere, with birds twitching and the wind blowing. It all felt so real and it seemed like the only part in this palace that wasn't gold.
Matt sat down at a table, Oro right in front of him. He handed him some parchment.
"That's the prophecy?"
"Yes. I foretold it myself and yet I have not a clue what all of it means."
Before Matt read it, he took a look. It seemed like a verse was missing, bleached out over the years.
"Read it aloud."
And so Midas read.

"A fallen king and a desperate boy
one shall live and one be destroyed
for both of them cannot handle the Underworld's wrath
gold will stay and blue will fall
when one of them rises and stands tall
seven sacrifices shall be made
to seal the boy's inevitable fate
at last the child will stand
to end the everlasting plot for revenge."

Confused about it he kept scanning the page. "What does it mean?" Matt understood some of it, but some parts were barely understandable. "What sacrifices? And what's the underworld?" He had many questions, but when he looked up, Oro was gone, the garden covered in gold and there was no sign of any birds.

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