Storytime: The Fallen King

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Once upon a time, there was a great king, a deity even. He was known for his merciful handling of criminals, barely ever executing them, and his folk loved him dearly.
He had left his unearthly family behind, as his love for humanity was greater than anything mankind knew.
His name was Crisanto, the golden flower, for he owned treasure like no man or woman had ever laid eyes upon, and yet no one dared to touch it, let alone steal it, because owning the treasure brought a heavy burden with it, one, that King Crisanto had yet to pay.

And payday eventually came and on that day the sky turned yellow and the fish swam far, far away.
On that faithful day, King Crisanto lost himself in greed and lust for more power. He longed for more and so he got more in form of a magic power, which eventually doomed him.
That day, the God of the Underworld granted King Crisanto the power to turn anything into gold, but it came with a price, and that price he did pay another decade later, when his second child was heartbroken and searching for his comfort.
You see, Crisanto's heart had darkened over that decade, the treasure still burdening his soul and his physical form: he was slowly turning into a skeleton, his people fearing him.
Not one crime had occurred since that day for everyone feared to turn into a statue for the rest of their day.
The king had been very lonely, only his daughter visiting him once in a while.
So when she came that day because of a broken heart, he did comfort her, but it filled him with anger that someone would dare to hurt his beloved child. The king, who hadn't been called King Crisanto for a long time, went after that boy, ready to add another figurine to his collection, and when the king stretched his boney skeleton hand towards that boy, his daughter stepped in between them, her face red from crying tears of loss and anger.
From that on, this exact face should haunt the king in his nightmares, for she turned to gold before she could even flinch.
And when King Crisanto realized what he had done, it was already too late. His anger turned into a forcful blast, turning every stone, every atom in his kingdom to gold and Crisanto died that day, leaving nothing but a wrathful shadow of himself behind.

King Crisanto was from then on history, for the rest of his soul that was still alive, was corrupted by greed and hatred towards himself and that man that walked around the Golden Kingdom had gotten a new name, a name that made people flinch when they heard it.

But Crisanto's story does not end there. He had other children and those children had children aswell and one day, the leftovers of Crisanto had been sure of it, a boy would be born and that boy would be his new vessel. A vessel for the entity, now only known as Oro.

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