Chapter 32 My Past

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Y/N's pov

"Hey Robyn?" I called walking over to my leader "Do you think I could borrow that flash drive you got from the lab a while back?"
"Yeah?" She questioned "Everything alright?"
"Oh yeah! I'm fine!" I smiled "I just want to look it over. It sucks to say but that place and those people were in most of my life. Maybe looking it over I can find more clues of where the lab might be. I can tell you that the lab I was raised in is in Steel City. I don't remember where though, I was just trying to get out of there as fast as I could."
  "That helps narrow the search by a lot then." Robyn spoke heading upstairs "Cy's going over to Steel in a few days to help set up the Titans East. Sister Blood was reported to be around that area."
  "The labs there." I said as I followed Robyn to her room "That's why. Thanks!"
I waved bye to Robyn before running towards my room to grab my laptop. Once both items were in my hands I headed into Rave's room. He looked up at me once I walked with a raised eyebrow.
  "Robyn let me borrow the files she got from Bloods lab." I sighed going over to sit on his bed "I feel like since we are close to finding her and facing off one more time, I should tell you my full past."
Rave nodded his head as I got comfortable in his lab. I opened up my laptop and plugged in the flash drive. After getting everything open I sighed seeing the photo of me when I was five.
  "As you know I was sold by my parents to Sister Blood for money." I spoke "At least That's is what I was told all those years being there. I still don't know who or where my parents are, maybe dead? Anyways.."
I clicked around a little bit pulling up photos of me covered in burn marks and my charts. I shook my head at the tears in my younger self. The photo was dated around the time I would of been seven.
"So when the experiments started, it was to test if my genes would reject the serum Blood had created." I said "The first few days of it were brutal, it hurt to breathe, my body felt like I was combusting from the inside. I remember crying and screaming for days at the amount of pain, then my powers started to develop." I looked up at Rave, he nodded his head to continued "I would constantly burn myself, hurt myself by accident because of my powers. That's when Blood decided to alter my DNA. I lived with the accidental burning til I was around ten."
  I pulled up more pictures and held my breath for a moment seeing the one with a women in it. I grabbed Rave's hand squeezing it.
"When I was ten Blood found a way to alter my skin and airway to protect them from fire and smoke. I was in sugary for it for months and covered in scars til my new enhanced skin healed itself like new." I pointed to the women "This was a guard, I never got her name but she was the nicest person to me. Blood has always been a "Teacher" so she had this women teach me things like how to read and write."
"I was always wondering that." Rave spoke holding me close "How you could read so well after being in a lab for so long. Now I know."
"Yeah." I sighed "So after the new skin enhancements Blood worked on a way for me not to feel the cold, not feeling the cold allows my fire not to go out in freezing weather. Testing for that last for about two years. Involving being thrown into giant freezers, keeping in there til I passed out then would inject another trail of her serum and put me back in the freezer."
Rave gripped my hand tightly, I looked up at him once again to see his eyes dark. I tilted my head up, kissing his cheek I went back to pulling up more charts and photos. One of the photos showed my skin blue, I remember having caught hypothermia from the cold testing. Blood was mercifully enough to allow me to recover from it before starting testing once more.
"So that leads us to the last test they were trying to preform on me when I was there." I said "The water resistant one so my flames wouldn't go out in rain or I guess from the new information we got, our bodies wouldn't go out if they had completed their testing. When you rescued me a while back that's the test the lab was working on. That testing went on for two years and that's when the guard from earlier realized how bad Blood was after being snapped out of her mind control."
I took in a deep breath as a tear rolled down my cheek. Shacking my head for a moment I continued.
"She helped me escape but we got caught, she sacrificed herself for me by taking a bullet to the brain..." I muttered "It was dark when she had helped me escape allowing me an advantage against the guards. I know the lab is somewhere in Steel City but all I remember from that night was running tell I felt like puking. It felt like hours when I made it to a forest, guards were still behind me so I lite the forest on fire and escaped. I wandered around for days, accidentally catching everything on fire. I ended up arriving into Jump City and lived at the abandoned beach for about a year, catching fish to eat and boiling water. I'd travel into town every once in a while tell I was sixteen and moved into old apartment buildings. I lived in and out of those and dumpster dived for old food from high class restaurants, since they threw out food if there was once mistake. I'd find old clothes around and work on trying to fix them. I learned how to cook to survive, how to use technology whenever I came across it in case it was useful. I still couldn't handle my powers perfectly, well I still can't now but I did burn down one of the apartment buildings."
Rave nodded once more as I caught his eye. I curled up deeper into his arms before speaking.
"When I was sixteen and a half I tired looking for work. It's kinda hard though when you have no ID, any kind of identification or documents." I sighed "I got a few under the table jobs, mostly clean up jobs and saved money up for food and cheap books. With the money I had I was able to improve my cooking and reading skills. Then I was walking to one of the apartments I was staying at one night and I met you guys and now here we are."
"Thank you for telling me.." Rave spoke kissing my forehead "That must of been hard for you to share and I'm grateful you feel comfortable enough to tell me everything. It means a lot."
"Thank you for listening." I smiled turning around to hug him tightly "It was the right time and when the time comes I hope you can share your past with me as well."
"I will." He whispered pressing his lips against mine "I promise.."

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