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CHAPTER SEVENTO BE HUNTED"i do it just in spite"˚✧₊⁎*⁎⁺˳✧༚

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"i do it just in spite"

Two pairs of feet trudged across the forest floor, a certain spring to them.

The green acid fog had cleared within the next day. The conversation between Dylan and the grounder had cut short when he suddenly decided to not answer her, again. After that they both pretty much sat guarded in their own corner, making sure that the other one didn't try anything.

The grounder was ahead of Dylan, much more experienced when it came to being stealthy. Dylan had come to the conclusion that being subtle when they approached camp would be the smarter choice. That way, no one would see him and he could continue about his journey without any angry juvenile delinquents out for his ass. As well as that, Dylan didn't feel being bombared with questions about it by Bellamy.

     She was still debating telling the camp about the grounder, despite having promised not to. They were the enemy, they were the ones that had speared Jasper for no reason. The hundred had done nothing wrong. At least not yet.

     But he had saved her. Why? She had no idea. He just had. And that meant that she owed him her life. Besides, how,was she sure that he was the one who had thrown the spear at them? It might've been the other guy. And how could they just blame the entire nation of grounders for what one man did? It sounded crazy.

Caught up in her thoughts, Dylan didn't notice the grounder stopping infront of her, causing her to smack directly into his back. She stumbled back slightly before gaining her balance. "Thanks for the warning." She sarcastically said. He quickly hushed her, to which she narrowed her eyes at. "Did you just hush me?"

He twisted around, glaring at her. It was enough to shut her up. She instead stepped to his left, crouching like he had, and tried to see what he was looking at.

A few moments passed, and they remained still. Dylan sighed again, this time more urgently. She was growing impatient. "What are we waiting for?" She whispered at him, eyes scavenging the scenery infront of her. As expected the only answer she received was a cold look.

Suddenly, something swiftly soared through the air, lodging itself just above Dylan's head. Her breath hitched in her throat when her eyes landed on the arrow.

"I'm so screwed." She whined, looking wide eyed at the grounder. He quickly grabbed her arm, tugging her along. How the holy hell did she land herself in this situation? She was blindly following after a grounder like some lost puppy, while another one was hunting them. As well as that, she had spent the night trapped in a cave with him because of some weird green acid fog. Earth was so much more complicated then she had anticipated.

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