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CHAPTER TENHELLO RAVEN, GOODBYE RADIO"am i falling in love with the one that can break my heart"˚✧₊⁎*⁎⁺˳✧༚

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"am i falling in love with the one that can break my heart"

"If it cleared the ridge than it's probably near the lake."

With a backpack secured on both shoulders and a caps pulled on her head, Dylan was feeling as down as ever. The previous night was the hardest thing she had ever done, and she was still wondering if leaving Murphy was the right decision. He was changing, Dylan reminded herself. Earth was changing him and she was sure it wasn't her best friend she was leaving at that cliff. She wasn't sure if the Murphy she knew even was alive anymore. At least that was what she needed to tell herself to justify leaving him.

Dylan made her best attempts at covering up her feelings by distracting herself. Not long ago, a pod had broken the atmosphere and came crashing down not too far from where the camp was. They weren't sure if they had sent food supplies or weapons down, but whatever it was, they were ready for it. In fact, Dylan was the first to volunteer at the search party.

"We should get moving." Octavia started, walking along side Dylan as they approached the older Blake sibling. "Everyone's ready."

Bellamy shook his head with his arms firmly folded over his chest. "No one's going anywhere. Not while it's dark it isn't safe." He decided before turning to the crowd. "We'll head out at first light; pass the word."

Clarke had vanished not long after the Charlotte incident at the cliff. They didn't know where to, but judging by Finn's presence, or his lack there off, Dylan guessed they were togheter, doing the nasties. And yes, those were the exact words she used when speaking to Octavia.

Clarke not present meant that Bellamy was in full charge of everything. Everyone had agreed that the two of them were going to be the leaders. They were the exact opposite, which was probably what made them such a good team. Like sweet and sour, actually. Clarke was reasonable, merciful and strategic. She obviously cared for everyone's well being. Bellamy wasn't as nice. He did what needed to be done, and while Clarke was a little. . . softer, Bellamy was stone cold. If he had to kill a thousand grounders just for them to survive, he would. He would never settle for peace with the grounders, even if they wanted to.

"Everyone for a hundred miles saw this thing come down. What if the grounders get to it first? Bell, we should go now." Dylan said, blocking him from dipping from the conversation. Octavia nodded in agreement.

"I said we wait till sunrise." He repeated, brushing past the two girls. Dylan sighed, her shoulders slumping. He better pray that there's nothing lacking from that pod when we go searching for it.

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