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CHAPTER SIXTEENUNITY DAY"all my friends are wasted"˚✧₊⁎*⁎⁺˳✧༚

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"all my friends are wasted"

Though the news of machine guns made most of the hundred teenagers down here on earth extremely gleeful, there were also ones who were against the fact. One of those being the one and only diplomat of the Ark; Finn Collins.

Finn Collins wasn't one for rules. He believed they were made to be broken, and that if they prevented you from having a good time, you should fuck them all. Funnily enough, he ended himself in the Skybox for an illegal space walk he hadn't even done. He actually organized it for Raven, and when they were caught, he took the fault, insisting that he had bend the one responsible.

But no one hated violence more then him. He absolutely despised it, especially weapons of any kinds. You see, the earth was wiped out for about a hundred years because of a nuclear war, and guns was the first step towards that same fate they planet has suffered from all those years ago.

     You can probably imagine how the Collins boy felt when the girl he liked brought machine guns back to camp, guns they intended to use against the enemy in war, and enemy they hadn't even attempted to reason with. He was beyond disappointed in Clarke.

But that was yesterday, and the next day was here. Unity day, to be a little more specific. Dylan enjoyed the day, but for one reason only. It made it ten times easier to steal moonshine for her and Murphy to enjoy. Down here on earth, there was no moonshine to steal and no Murphy to share it with. The only thing the day held for her were memories that was almost too painful to even think about. So, saying that she woke up on the wrong side of the bed would be a huge understatement.

Some people, like Octavia and Jasper, first hand experienced just how grumpy she was that day, so they decided to avoid her throughout the day.

     Clarke was ten times more pushing as well. The Griffin girl kept stressing Dylan to talk to her father. She had squared up with her mother about killing her father, which was her argument. Her exact words were 'if I can forgive my mother for that, you can forgive your father for whatever he's done'. It was a stupid argument. Clarke had no idea how disgusting and unwanted her own father had made her feel. He didn't deserve her attention and love after neglecting her. But Clarke kind of had a point.

     She also argued that Bellamy had spoken with Jaha (who was still alive despite being shot) and the chancellor of the Ark had pardoned him for his crimes. Again, 'if Jaha could forgive someone for that, you can forgive your own father'. Clarke was a very determined woman, apparently. Dylan was sure she got that from her mother, Abby.

     And so here she was, seated infront of the small screen, eyes locked with her father as they sat in silence. Dylan felt awkward, repeatedly shifting in her seat. Kane simply stared, feeling pure joy over the fact that his daughter was well and breathing.

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