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CHAPTER FIFTEENGOING NUTS"know you out on a happy face"˚✧₊⁎*⁎⁺˳✧༚

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"know you out on a happy face"

     Ever since Raven managed to get in contact with the Ark, people had taken turns talking to their loved ones. Clarke had tried her best convincing Dylan to do the same, but the girl avoided talking to her father like the plague. But there was one other person up there she did fancy speaking with. Her grandmother.

     Marcus Kane's mother was a sweet old soul. She was obsessed with the one tree planted on the Ark. It was rather small, but it held a lot of meaning. A lot of hope. She had tried convincing her granddaughter to speak with Marcus too, but whenever mentioned the topic, Dylan swerved the other direction.

     Clarke and Bellamy had left an hour ago or so to fetch some supplies from a nearby bunker. Apparently it would work as shelter for the hundred in the winter, which meant that they wouldn't freeze to death. One less thing to worry about. For now, Miller was put in charge. At least over the grounder, or prisoner as Bellamy addressed him as. Dylan was banned from seeing him for obvious reasons, and Octavia wasn't allowed either because Bellamy didn't want her getting hurt by him.

     That didn't mean that Dylan gave completely up. She was sitting behind the ladder, hiding behind a box. She was waiting for Miller to exit. The chances of him doing so was  little to none, but Dylan was willing to wait for however long it would take. He couldn't stay up there forever.

     Octavia accompanied the girl as well. The girls agreed that what was happening to the grounder was unfair, only Dylan felt much stronger about it. She was ready to risk a lot to get him out of here. Octavia simply felt for him, but wasn't willing to really act on those emotions. Octavia spent a extra amount of time by Jasper's side too. Dylan encouraged her to spend time with the Jordan boy. Besides, she didn't exactly mind waiting for an opportunity to see the grounder by herself. It would make things easier when planning his rescue.

Finally, Dylan stood to her feet, deciding that it was time to actually stretch her legs and get some food in her belly. She slowly exited the drop ship, eyes quickly fanning across the camp. She was tired of sitting around and reflecting over the last few days, and she was getting thirsty.

Her eyes stopped on a boy. She recognized him. It was the very guy who had but the noose around her neck, the very guy who had kicked the box from under her feet. The very guy who had tried killing both her and her best friend. Connor, if she wasn't mistaken.

He swayed as he walked, bumping into several objects and people. Dylan arched a brow, leaning against the wall of the drop ship as she watched him go. He mumbled random things, words like 'mop' and 'pretty' escaping his lips. Dylan jobbed down from the ramp, feet embedding themselves in the soil underneath. Then, they proceeded to carry her over to the boy. "You okay?" She asked. He snapped towards her, a grin spreading across his face as a giggle sounded from him.

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