Chapter 7

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Taylor Swift

As my 25th birthday present from the media, I'd like for you to stop accusing all my friends of dating me. #thirsty

12/8/14 9:29 AM


That was the tweet Taylor had sent out after waking up to Tree telling her there were rumours about her and Grace dating. There were already rumours about her and Karlie, and the pictures with Grace didn't help. She wasn't dating anyone, but it was ruining what they trying to push for her current image.

Four days later and she was excited for her birthday the following day. She had people setting up decorations in a Los Angeles studio and had one last meeting on her calendar before she was supposed to meet with her parents to fly out to California.

Taylor didn't recognize the name on her calendar, Tree had added it in the day before. It had a location in the East Village and the letters "GK". She assumed it was an interview or a podcast, but in all reality she didn't have a clue what to expect.

When her security team pulled up at a six-story building with some trees separating the sidewalk from the red bricks, she took a look around. It wasn't busy on that street, it looked like mostly apartment buildings with the exception of a bakery three buildings down. However, it was definitely not the nicest street in the East Village.

"Parker?" Taylor questioned, looking at the man behind her as he closed the door to the SUV.

"Yes, Ms. Swift?" Parker answered, walking behind her.

"Do you know what I'm doing here?" Taylor said, approaching the door and waiting for Parker to open it, like he always insisted he had to do.

"I was told you were to make your way to the fourth floor, unit 2. I am to wait outside the unit and Greg and the car are to wait out here," he answered simply. Taylor nodded, upset at the lack of information.

She would have been fine if the building had some sort of sign out front, but it looked residential and judging by the lobby and units, it was someone's home she was visiting. GK... I don't know a GK, do I?

The elevator ride up is silent, and when they reach the fourth floor they turn left, the only way they could because of how the elevator sat in the building's layout. Parker stands next to the unit Taylor is expected in and waits for Taylor to knock.

"Parker if you don't recognize the person who opens this door, I want you to make sure I am out in an hour," Taylor orders before hesitantly knocking. Seconds later the door swings open and Grace is standing behind it. Parker definitely knew who was inside, but he wasn't going to let her know that, he even had to conceal his smile by scratching his nose.

Grace practically attacks Taylor, hugging the taller blonde. Taylor is surprised but returns the hug and smiles.

"Never mind Parker, leave just enough time for us to get to the airport," Taylor calls out after Grace lets go and gestures for her to follow into the small apartment.

"You're GK! I should've known! Grace Kent, that was obvious," Taylor laughs as she takes in her surrounds. It's a studio apartment and the bathroom is in the corner, there's a couch and television, queen sized bed across from it and a small kitchen and table.

"Tree said you would figure it out," Grace tells her, "She owes me ten bucks."

"You're making bets with my publicist about me?" Taylor asks, slightly shocked considering Grace was afraid of the woman less than a week ago.

"Duh- we're friends now. I didn't really have a choice, she scared me into liking her," Grace replies with a sweet grin. She tells Taylor to sit down on the couch, which Taylor agrees to.

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