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All good things must come to an end. I hope you have enjoyed this story, it's been a wild ride and I have enjoyed all your feedback and how much you all have supported and read it.

When I first started this book, my goal was 30 chapters. haha. Here we are, part 99.

I have created a one shot series of these two, it can be found on my page by the time you are seeing this. It will take place at various times from when they were dating to what you read here as well as potentially some scenes from after this point in time.

This is a LONG one, and this story in total has been over 273,000 words!

Here's a little taste of Taylor and Grace as parents.

Much love - Lex

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May 5, 2030 - Watch Hill, Rhode Island

"Have five kids they said, it'll be fun they said!" Taylor groaned as she felt an elbow to her stomach somewhere between five and seven in the morning judging by the light trickling in.

"Hi Mama," Nicholas poked his head out from under the blanket he had crawled under at the foot of the bed, just like he did every morning.

"Hi," Taylor smiled, "Where's-"

"He's over here," Grace laughed as Nathan did the same as his brother to the brunette, accidentally bumping his forehead against the woman's chin.

The four-year-old twins were Taylor's biologically, blond-haired and blue-eyed, they had decided to stick with four until they found out they were jumping right to five, a happy accident.

"Hi Mommy," Nicholas crawled off of Taylor and over to Grace.

"Hi bug," Grace kissed his forehead after she kissed Nathan's.

"Is anyone else awake?" Taylor asked as she scooped the shyer twin up from by Grace and held him in a tight hug, tickling Nathan softly to make him giggle.

"Liam is brushing his teeth," Nicky answered with a yawn, cuddling in close to the younger girl.

"If you come wake us up you're not going back to sleep until nap time," Grace said while sitting up, "Why don't you go get your toothbrushes out and give Mama and me and minute to wake up, okay?"

The boys nodded and hurried off, Grace melting into a Taylor's side the second they were out of the room.

"Why are my two so hyper in the morning? I'm not a morning person," the blonde sighed as she wrapped her arms around Grace.

"Alyssa's not even eleven years old and she sleeps until noon if we let her, we had opposite kids," Grace chuckled, leaning up and kissing Taylor, "We should go before they come back."

"Lock the door and we'll go back to sleep."

The heiress shook her head, "We can't. I want to but we can't. I'll wake up the girls if you help them brush their teeth."

Alyssa was ten, Madeline, their second, who had brown hair and green eyes just like her sister was eight, Liam six and the twins four. There was never a dull moment in the house.

"Mommy!" Nathan came back in with his toothbrush and toothpaste, "Come on!"

Nathaniel definitely had a favourite.

Stay - Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now