Chapter 27

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"What the fuck do you mean, Taylor? Of course I'm not sleeping with Joe! Why the hell are you asking me that?" Grace argued through the phone. She had seen numerous missed calls and texts from her girlfriend, concerning her greatly.

"There's pictures of you guys all over the internet, you look all lovey-dovey!" Taylor exclaimed, throwing one of her hands in the air while she paced her hotel room. 

"We had lunch, as friends. If it makes you feel better, we talked about you almost the entire time," Grace replied with a frustrated sigh, "Do you not trust me?"

"I-" the singer was quickly cut off.

"That's why you left me with Joe in the first place, isn't it? So he could keep an eye on me? That's fucked up Taylor, even for you," Grace ranted, wanting to hang up the phone right then and there. 

The brunette had tears in her eyes as she listened to Taylor start crying again, "No, that's not why. I left you with a security guard because I was worried about you. I love you so much and I didn't want anything to happen to you."

"Taylor, do you trust me?"

Taylor didn't answer fast enough, trying to figure out that answer for herself.

"Wow, that feels great Taylor. I really appreciate you treating me like one of your exes, like I'm some lying and cheating bitch."

Taylor cried harder, "Grace, I'm sorry."

"I know you are, but maybe we could use some space right now," Grace suggested softly. She didn't mean it but if Taylor agreed she would do it, thinking maybe that is what the singer truly wanted from the fight she picked. 

"You want space?" The blonde asked hesitantly, "Because being on separate continents with a thirteen hour time zone difference and barely talking isn't enough for you?"

Grace sighed again, feeling the tears flow even faster, "Is that what you want?"

"I don't want space," Taylor answered confidently, she knew that for sure.

"Okay," Grace mumbled, pausing, "Are we okay?"

"Are we?" Taylor asked, the fight was her fault and she was well aware.

The blonde had let the past get the better of her, Grace was clear that she wasn't going to cheat on Taylor and had given her absolutely no reason not to trust her in the past.

"I want to be," Grace told her girlfriend honestly, "I'm hurt right now though."

"I'm sorry Grace, it's just so many-"

"I know baby, but I'm not them," the brunette finished for Taylor.

"I wish you were here right now," Taylor said, swallowing her pride.

"Fighting with you is so much worse over the phone," Grace added, a small chuckle escaping her lips as the mood lightened

"I agree, you should just fly to Tokyo right now so we can do it in person next time."

Grace shook her head, "I wish I could, I have to go now though. You going to be okay?"

"Yeah. I love you, honey. Call me okay?" Taylor said, her smile disappearing now that she would be left alone.

"I will, I love you too."

"Oh! Slap Joe for me," Taylor laughed, slightly kidding, mostly not.

"Very funny Tay, bye baby," Grace said dryly, hanging up the call. 

Taylor's next step was to call Tree and confirm the rumours were false. It wasn't exactly business hours but Taylor was grateful her publicist answered the phone.

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