Chapter 28

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This is the moment Taylor had been waiting for, she was just about to hit the stage in Tokyo and kick off the '1989 World Tour' she had been planning and rehearsing for months. The crowd was chanting her name and the introduction music was blasting throughout the sold-out stadium.

"You got this," Grace said to Taylor just seconds before Taylor left, giving the brunette an over the shoulder smile because her microphone had been turned on. 

Grace stood beside Andrea and Scott backstage, waiting for Taylor to begin. Taylor was always a bit nervous before performing but since it was the first show of the whole tour she was a tad more so than usual. The singer also knew it was Grace's first time seeing her perform live and she wanted to make a good impression.

"That's your daughter, that's so cool," Grace whispered to Taylor's parents and heard them laugh lightly. 

"That's your girlfriend," Andrea replied even quieter, unsure if Grace would even be able to hear. Backstage was a lot quieter than out there but it was still noisy. Grace blushed at the woman's comment, smiling and watching intently as Taylor began.

Grace was hooked on the show from the second noise left the blonde's lips, she was content just watching from the sidelines and declined when one of Taylor's guards offered to take her out to the audience for a better view, she wanted to be there when Taylor walked off after the last song.

The concert was followed by a meet and greet so Taylor had to hurry and clean up before meeting the fans. She wanted so badly to pull Grace in for hug while her adrenaline was running high right after the show but she waited until they got into her dressing room.

"Did you like it?" Taylor asked excitedly as she wrapped her arms around the brunette who didn't even mind the fact she was sweaty and hot.

"I loved it, baby, you did such a great job!" Grace replied honestly, giving Taylor a sweet kiss before letting her go.

"I have to go to 'Loft 89" soon so I need to clean up but that makes me so happy, thank you," Taylor smiled, walking to the bathroom attached to the room she had done vocal warm-ups in hours previously.

"Should I just wait here?" Grace asked, sitting down on the chair that faced where the blonde was washing her face as to not disrupt their conversation.

"I'll be a while, why don't you have Joe take you back to the hotel? I don't mind if you want to wait but I don't want to bore you," the singer answered, fixing up her appearance more. She had arranged for two beds in the room and told the front desk she had a friend coming so that it didn't look suspicious that they were in the room together, should anyone happen to see them. 

"Yeah, okay. Maybe I'll go with Joe so we can get some pictures for the paps outside, sound good?"

Taylor laughed, "Sure, Tree and Margaret would either love or hate that, so do it and we'll find out later."

Grace texted Joe to come out from wherever he was hiding to escort her out, tossing her phone into her clutch before walking into the bathroom to say goodbye to Taylor.

"Have fun, I love you," Grace said, wrapping her arms around the singer's waist tightly and kissing her shoulder.

"Love you- and thank you for coming all this way," Taylor spun around to properly kiss her girlfriend, "I'll text you when I'm coming to the hotel."

"Okay," the brunette replied, giving her one last peck as there was knock on the door. She hurried over to follow Joe out of the stadium, waving to Andrea and Scott who were just outside the room. 

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