Chapter 73

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"W-what?" Taylor choked out as she pulled away from their embrace, staring down at Grace's wet cheeks.

"I took the test yesterday, well, four of them actually. I'm pregnant," Grace repeated with a shaky breath, offering a gentle smile.

"It worked?" Taylor asked a little less shocked and a little more happy.

Grace nodded with a low laugh, "We're having a baby."

Taylor pulled Grace back close to her as the news settled in. After their discussion in August about Grace not feeling settled, like she was missing something, they talked to a doctor and decided to give it one shot.

They had started the injections to help assist in fertility immediately and had no trouble picking out a donor, a tall, blonde haired, blue-eyed man that had similar characteristics and personality to Taylor that they were both fond of.

They said if it didn't work they would wait until tour was almost over, having been told by their doctor the odds of the first round working were low.

It was absolutely horrible timing, probably would be a huge pain and they wouldn't be able to keep it a secret but they didn't care, they decided it was exactly what they needed to do. After all, they never did anything just right.

"You weren't supposed to take the test until Sunday," Taylor said once the initial speechlessness wore off, Grace still in her arms as the camera rolled.

"I missed when my period and it wasn't just a fluke because it's always been regular when I wasn't on the pill, I took it early and it was positive," Grace explained before Taylor tilted her chin up and kissed her.

"We're ready for this, bad timing and all, right?"

"If we weren't we wouldn't have tried, babe. It's kind of hard for it to be an accident considering, you know, we're both women," Grace giggled as Taylor smiled at her.

Yeah, going to a fertility clinic and injecting your fiancé with sperm and hoping it ended up with a pregnancy was kind of hard to accidentally do.

"We just got that on video with our vows, holy shit," the blonde replied before she leaned in again and kissed her fiancé, "I love you."

"I love you too and I'm so glad we decided to go alcohol free at the wedding because I don't want to tell anyone yet. I'm barely three weeks and it's too soon."

Taylor nodded as her smile ceased to fade, "I can't believe we're having a baby. Like, wow, we're going to be parents in what- July? Is that right?"

"Late June - early July, yeah. During the biggest leg of the tour which means I won't be at every show. I know we talked about that and-"

"I'll be there as soon as I can when it's time. I hope I'm there when it happens but yeah, we did talk about it. You'll be safe and sound in London for the last month of the pregnancy and your mom will be with you. We'll figure it out, honey. We always seem to."

"You should stop the video now," Grace reminded the taller woman who agreed and switched off her phone.

As Taylor returned to the bay window and looked at Grace, her eyes settling on the brunette's stomach, she asked hesitantly, "Can I touch your stomach? Like... talk to the baby?"

Grace nodded with a smile and pulled up her shirt, leaning back enough so Taylor could better have access, "It's your baby too."

"Hi baby, I'm Taylor, also known as one of your moms. You don't have ears yet but that's okay, I love you already and I'm so excited to meet you next summer so I'm just gonna talk to you sometimes and let you know. Your Mommy and I have been thinking about you for a long time and we are so excited to meet you, bubs. You just grow real strong and big for now and then when you're ready we'll be waiting for you. Maybe be nice to Mommy and don't make her too sick so that she agrees to give you a brother or sister someday, alright?" Taylor said sweetly as she gently rubbed the non-existent bump before pressing a kiss to the toned stomach her partner had.

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