Chapter 17

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The two weeks before Grace went to Missouri went by quickly. The couple, when not working spent most of their time curled up in Taylor's apartment. It was bittersweet, both of them knowing it would be the last bit of time they could spend like that for many months. 

Taylor had been checking on her mom a lot, she was worried but Andrea was doing okay. Everything was finally all set for the tour and all Taylor had to do was pack, but that could wait until a little closer to when she was actually set to leave. 

"Where are you?" Grace called out as she walked into Taylor's room. Taylor said she was going upstairs while Grace was on the phone with William but she wasn't in the bedroom. 

"Bathtub!" Taylor yelled from the bathroom. They had been drinking wine earlier and Taylor was a little tipsy, it was their last night together before Grace left and Taylor was a little sad.

"Want more wine?" The brunette asked as she looked at the bottle she brought up from the living room. It was almost gone and she knew one of them would likely finish it. 

"Please," Taylor answered, "My glass is in here."

Grace brought it into the bathroom and went to pour it for Taylor when the blonde insisted she could pour it herself. Grace handed the bottle over and watched as Taylor's wet fingers led to the bottle slipping slightly and spilling over the side of the glass.

"Oops," Taylor giggled as she handed back the bottle. Grace laughed at her while shaking her head in disapproval.

"I was going to do it for you," Grace said as she set the bottle aside. Taylor shrugged and made a 'come here' motion with her fingers, kissing Grace and frowning when she pulled away.

"Don't leave tomorrow," She pouted, trying to give puppy dog eyes.

"I already told you to come with me," Grace answered, standing up and walking to the mirror to start her skin care routine before bed.

"I can't," The songwriter whined, sipping her wine and setting it on the edge of the bathtub.

"I know," Grace said as she began to wash and moisturize her face. Taylor watched her lovingly for a moment, taking in Grace's beauty. They might have been drunk but there were very aware of the other's presence in the room, "Stop staring at me."

"Sorry honey," Taylor blushed, she was almost sick of the bath but was waiting for Grace to leave the bathroom before she got out. Something made her a little self-conscious in that moment, even though they had seen each other's bodies.

Grace smiled in response and brushed her teeth, leaving the bathroom to go to the bed that Taylor had started referring to as "theirs". Grace insisted it was most certainly Taylor's bed but the singer argued otherwise. 

When Taylor came out of the bathroom in her pyjamas, Grace was already under the covers and reading one of the books Taylor had left laying on the end table. Grace glanced up and smiled at her girlfriend before looking back to the book.

Taylor crawled in next to her, laying quietly for a moment. She was thinking about how the week was going to go. She had already talked to Tree about going with Grace and Tree made it work in her schedule, meaning she was going to surprise Grace.

Grace was flying out in the morning, Taylor would fly out the next day to avoid Grace being suspicious and then they would spend Grace's birthday on the third day of the trip together. Taylor hoped she could spend the remainder of the week with Grace but she didn't want to intrude too much, so she wasn't sure when she was going to leave. 

She had stolen Grace's phone last week once she found out she could go for sure and called Grace's mom to help set up the surprise. As far as her family knew, they were just friends so they would have to hide it during the trip. 

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