Chapter 43

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I think we could all use a little Tayce fluff after a hard week. Enjoy!

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Dressed in all black, the girls went down the the entry way to begin their journey. Parker was not happy but when Taylor told him he didn't have a choice, he backed off.

So there they were, walking down the hallway in big coats with the hoods pulled up and large sunglasses on their face, making their way to the backdoor of the building Grace normally snuck in and out of. Grace even put gloves on so that no one would accidentally see Taylor's masterpiece if they got caught.

Cracking the door and looking out to see if anyone was looking, the couple walked briskly to Taylor's car, scanning Taylor's entry card at the gate. The snow in the alleyway making it a little difficult to walk.

"Are you sure you want to drive today? The roads look kind of slick," Grace questioned, buckling up her seatbelt as Taylor plugged her phone into the stereo.

"Yeah it's fine. It's less than ten minutes away," Taylor replied, turning on a song from the eighties that Grace didn't recognize.

"Are you going to tell me where we are going yet?" Grace asked another question, looking at the blonde who was putting the SUV into reverse.

"Nope," Taylor said quickly, "It's more fun this way."

Sighing, Grace leaned her head back and listened to the song. It was around one by the time they actually got out of the house, stopping to make something to eat before leaving. The streets were quieter than usual, a nice change most likely caused by the abundance of snow.

"Is it liberating to sneak out without Parker or Greg?"

"It's alright, I'm a bit scared but I'm pretty sure you would win in a fight with a mugger or car thief," Taylor laughed, reaching over and poking Grace in the ribs. Grace still had well defined muscles from her trainer days.

When Taylor took a right hand turn, Grace looked up at the street sign, "Cornelia Street?"

Nodding, Taylor parked the car out front of a small townhouse with a large, castle-like door staged in it. She walked over to the passenger side and opened the door for Grace, kicking away some of the snow on the sidewalk.

"You look like a yeti," Taylor giggled as she locked the vehicle, slipping the keys into her pocket and pulling out a set of metal ones.

"We match," was the brunette's only reply. Amusement showing on her face as Taylor approached the door, "Seriously, what are we doing here?"

"Just come inside," Taylor said lightly, she was over the younger girl's constant questioning.

Grace groaned but quickly changed her mood as she walked inside, Taylor shutting and locking the door behind her.

"I rented this place until the end of the year," Taylor said, taking her coat off and hanging it on the hook.

"You what?" Grace asked in shock.

Taylor slipped her boots off and set them on the doormat, moving Grace's hood off her head and pulling the sunglasses from her face so she could see her reaction.

"Well we have to stay somewhere while they redo the penthouse," Taylor rolled her eyes, shrugging as though it was obvious.

"Redo the- what? I'm so confused," Grace was still frozen in her place, watching as Taylor gestured for her to follow.

Taking off her coat she heard the singer say, "Well I was thinking about the apartment and it's too much of me and not enough of you so I have a construction crew coming in to make some changes, designed by you. Parker will also be moving to his own unit on the bottom floor, part of why I'm trying to shake the whole body-guard thing."

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