Chapter 53

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Someone asked to see the handcuffs in only real thought to that was 'okay, but which of the girls actually gets handcuffed?' So I decided that while we all know it's Taylor who tops, maybe Grace needs a change of pace.

This is really long and pretty kinky so enjoy. (Cause they will... this is pure smut.)

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Grace walked into the kitchen after dinner, now dressed in a tank top and a pair of Taylor's shorts. Instead of going shopping she sent her assistant to pick up the groceries, realizing they needed a lot more than just a couple of things. She was also a tad afraid to leave Taylor alone again, while the blonde made it seem like she wasn't going to take off, Grace didn't know for sure.

In her hands contained a nail file, slowly filing off the nails she has been growing for weeks now. A constant reminder of just how long it had been, hoping Taylor would take the hint.

Taylor was at the kitchen table finally returning some of the emails Grace couldn't answer for her, she was weeks behind. She had decided to do it so she could leave for London in the morning with less stress, she didn't really want to but she did.

She and Grace had a long talk that afternoon which made her feel a little better that evening, a little more like her usual self. She didn't know how tomorrow would go but tonight she was trying to keep it together, trying to just be normal and give Grace a break.

A shower and fresh set of clothes looked good on her as the light returned to her skin. She looked up at Grace with a small smile, holding up the bowl that once contained apple slices.

"Did you eat them all, baby?" Grace asked from by the fridge, pulling out the pitcher of water to pour herself a glass.

"Yeah," Taylor replied, setting it back down and looking back to her laptop.

"So if I looked in the trash can, there won't be any apples?" Grace raised her eyebrows, pulling the cold glass to her lips.

"That would be correct," Taylor agreed with a slight nod.

Grace walked over to the trash can and hit the button to open it with her foot, smiling as it was apple free.

Taylor let out a dry laugh, "See? I'm a good girl."

"Why does that sound so kinky?" Grace replied, moving back to her spot by the refrigerator.

Grace set the glass down and picked up the nail file once again, leaning against the counter in silence as she looked at Taylor.

"Why you staring at me, hun?" Taylor asked a moment later, her eyes still trained to the screen as she captured Grace in her peripheral vision.

"I'm just looking at you, I'm allowed," the brunette shrugged, a small smile on her face still lingering.

"I have one more email I really should reply to today, then maybe we can watch a movie? I'm bored," the singer asked as her fingers continued to click against the keyboard.

Grace thought Taylor must be oblivious, "Yeah, a movie sounds good."

Taylor looked up and smiled, finally noticing the nail file that Grace seemed ever so distracted by. Clearing her throat softly, Taylor said, "What happened to your manicure?"

"We have a plane booked for the morning, didn't think I'd have the time," the heiress let the lie roll off her tongue.

"Mhmm," Taylor bit her lip as she tried to focus again. Grace was practically asking for it and after three weeks, Taylor couldn't believe it took her this long to pick up on it.

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