Chapter 61

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I did put the anagram on the picture :)

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"Can someone please do me a favour and give the dork in the corner a set of in-ears so she stops laughing at me?" Taylor called out after the director said cut, a set in London surrounded by chilly January air being the main focus of the day.

"Grace, stop laughing at her," Tree whispered sternly at the brunette sitting net to her.

Grace laughed again, "I should never be allowed to come to music video shoots, she looks so funny mouthing the words while people dance to click tracks."

Just then, a crew member came up and handed her a set of in-ears. Grace shook her head with an apologetic smile, she didn't think Taylor was being serious.

"Grace! Take the flipping things before I go insane," the singer demanded while the make-up crew did a few touchups on her face. Her glittery red lips receiving a minor trace with a dark lip-liner.

She obliged, sticking them in her ears as Taylor went to do the next scene. As far as anyone was concerned that day, Tree and Grace were only there for business things. In all reality, Tree was there for business matters and Grace was there to watch Taylor film a music video for the first time, highly entertained.

Although, most business people don't show up in dark jeans, sneakers and a t-shirt with Taylor's face on the front.

Taylor's first time appearing in public since she had gone into hiding was to record and shoot the video with Zayn, saying that it was an opportunity she couldn't pass up and it would be a good introduction into her new era, which she had since decided to name "reputation".

"She's a little more herself nowadays, you can tell she's loving this," Tree said softly to the younger girl, her eyes focused on Taylor who was smiling at the preview of the scene she just shot.

"Oh yeah. She's ecstatic, been talking about it for days. I had to convince her to go to bed last night, she was pacing around like a kid before Christmas."

Tree chuckled while shaking her head, relived to see the fiery blonde feeling better after a few months of very little exchanges between them and mostly correspondence through the brunette.

After a long day, Taylor was finally free, heading back to Grace's London home slightly exhausted due to her early call time. It was completely worth it though, she had enjoyed every minute and even the behind the scenes video clips were fun to shoot.

They had flown in the night before from New York, clearing their things out from Cornelia Street and moving them back to the penthouse that had finally finished being renovated. It didn't feel as homey as it once had, so much time away making them realize home wasn't a place but more of a feeling.

About a week later, Taylor walked into the kitchen and saw Grace doubled over the sink in pain, having come check on her because she had disappeared for a long time.

"You okay?" Taylor asked sweetly as she stood next to Grace and began to stroke her back.

"Period," Grace sighed, biting down on her tongue.

"What? You haven't had a period since you went on the pill?" Taylor replied, slightly confused.

"I forgot my new sheet in New York and the pharmacy said my refill won't be ready until next week," the brunette explained, her voice soft and shaky.

Taylor frowned, neither of them having a cycle during their relationship. They each took the pill daily, Taylor because it stopped her cycle completely and was useful for when she was on tour, Grace because her periods were excruciatingly painful and her doctor put her on it about five years prior.

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