Chapter 54

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Taylor Swift: hi tree, i'm going into hiding now. grace and parker are going with me. talk soon.

Tree Paine: What are you even talking about? You better be at your meeting on Friday.

Taylor Swift: i'll be gone as long as possible, i'm moving everything online. i physically do not feel safe releasing my location to anyone except my family and you. i'm moving to london for a while. i need to work on a lot of things, including my music and mental health.

Tree Paine: Please call me.

Taylor Swift: can't, plane is just about to take off. my idea not grace's so don't try yelling at her. the only appearance i plan on making anytime soon is the pre-super bowl show in february. no interviews or appearances otherwise.

Tree Paine: You've lost your mind. You plan on disappearing for six months?

Taylor Swift: people need a break from me, even i need a break from me.

Tree Paine: Taylor please call me ASAP.

Taylor Swift: okay. call you later.


Tree Paine: You're letting her run away? What are you both thinking? This is insane.

Grace Kent: i have to do what is best for her. she needs a break, i will continue to argue that this is going to be good for her. i don't make the decisions however you know how she gets when she's breaking. she'll be meeting with a therapist out here. i have access to the proper documents to insure confidentiality and everything, she doesn't even want to leave the house in nyc. she's scared, i'm not going to stop her.

Tree Paine: Grace, I swear you better make sure she walks out of this with her head up. Do what you need to do but make sure she doesn't drop off the face of the planet. I expect her to call me and attend her meetings, online or not.

Grace Kent: i'll have her call you the day i can get her to finish a meal and don't have to lock the liquor cabinet as per her request. as you can tell, my priority isn't whether or not she produces the next album of the year right now. sorry to be a jerk about it but you haven't seen her lately, while she rebuilds herself i'll keep you updated but i'm not going to babysit taylor's business life right now. she's human, she needs some time.

Tree Paine: It's that bad this time? She's not eating?

Grace Kent: sometimes she does, sometimes she doesn't. i got her to eat yesterday but the events leading up to it were... chaotic. like i said, i'll have her back to you when she's okay again.

Tree Paine: Okay, thank you. Take care of her.

Grace Kent: that's the goal. talk soon.


"Is Tree texting you off the hook too?" Taylor asked as she turned her head to look at the brunette.

"Apparently you were very cryptic," Grace replied, "She's worried about you."

They were sitting on Grace's private plane, only Parker and the flight attendants in the cabin. They had spent the rest of the night packing up what they needed and getting ready to spend however long Taylor felt necessary in London.

"What did you tell her?" The blonde inquired as Grace sat down across from her, a bottle of apple juice in hand.

"The truth, Tay. I told her the truth," Grace admitted as she held the bottle out to her fiancé, "Please drink that, you didn't drink your orange juice this morning."

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