Chapter 91

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Taylor awoke to Grace giggling next to her, soft noises coming from the brunette's mouth as Taylor adjusted to the light she was unfamiliar with waking up to anymore.

Slipping on her glasses, Taylor looked at the clock, "It's nine? What the hell? Did you not wake me up?"

Grace shook her head, her eyes still fixed on the screen of her phone, "Christmas present from the baby, no morning sickness. Thought you should sleep."

"No way!" Taylor smiled as she rested her head on Grace's shoulder before realizing just what her wife was looking at, "Ew! Why are you watching that?"

"How have I never seen this before? You're rapping about cookies with T-Pain, I've watched it three times already."

"Shut it off and give me my Christmas kiss, please?" Taylor said, the heiress shutting her phone off and sitting up, rolling herself onto Taylor and straddling her hips.

"You know what a morning without being sick does to you?" Grace asked as she traced her fingers along Taylor's jaw.

"No," Taylor smiled groggily, "What does it do?"

"Karlie was right, I'm afraid. I have lots of energy and I could really use someone to help me take care of it. Do you know anyone who could help?"

"I might, any specific type you're looking for?"

"Blonde, tall, great smile, long legs, nice fingers... I don't know, maybe famous?"

"I don't know if Joe would be interested in you," Taylor joked as Grace leaned down to kiss her.

Grace pulled away slowly, "I was thinking more female but I can call Joe and ask if you're not up for it. I know he's in town for the holidays."

"Don't you dare," Taylor placed her hands on Grace's hips, "Merry Christmas, honey."

"Merry Christmas," Grace smiled, "I hate to ruin the cute moment but our plane leaves in two hours and we still have to get our breakfast tradition going so if you don't mind, can we have sex? It's been the like two weeks since your birthday and oh my god, Taylor, I'm so ready."

Taylor chuckled and said, "Let me brush my teeth first. I have morning breath."

"I don't even care, please. I actually need it, it's bad. Worse than when I want an Oreo, I've never been so desperate and that says a lot."

"Baby, I don't want you to throw up if I give you a real kiss. Give me two minutes, I promise I'll be right back."

Grace shook her head, "Can't wait two minutes, I've already been waiting half an hour for you to wake up. Please, please, please, I'm begging you, babe."

Grace started fidgeting with Taylor's top when the blonde stopped her, gently moving her grip from Grace's hips onto the girl's hands.

"Taylor," the heiress whined.

"Give me two minutes to brush my teeth and wash my face and then I'm all yours. Come brush your teeth, it's good for you."

Grace huffed as she got off of Taylor's waist, "I'll just do it myself. You can go shower."

Taylor gasped, "Don't be grumpy on Christmas, Grace. I will have sex with you if you get out of bed and come with me to the bathroom ten steps away."

Grace's hands wandered down to her waistband, "We've had sex before without brushing our teeth first. Like I said, I'll take care it myself."

Taylor watched as the brunette slipped her hand into her pyjamas, Taylor instantly biting down on her lip.

"You're terrible."

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