Chapter 57

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This is probably my favourite chapter so far.

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Three weeks later and things had been going better than before. Taylor was eating well almost everyday, only having two or three rough days where she felt drained and moody, not wanting to do much except sit on the couch. She had channeled some time into her music as well as finding things she simply enjoyed doing.

The singer was writing poems, painting, learning and taking time to truly rebuild herself. Stepping away from the person she thought she was and deciding she could improve in a healthy way that actually bettered her life and made it more enjoyable was something she didn't know she had been needing for a long time. She was cleansing her mind, body and soul.

Therapy was really helping her figure things out. Kate had introduced her to the idea that once she established a balance in her life between knowing and thinking, two very different concepts, it would all be a little easier. Grace was still supportive of her constantly, not letting Taylor's slips and tough moments get the best of either of them. It was still hard when Taylor stumbled, Grace only being able to watch and hold her hand until she got back up.

The brunette was adamant on Taylor's rehabilitation coming from Taylor herself, as was Kate. Taylor wasn't depressed or crazy, she wasn't broken or a child, she was hurt and needed time to put herself back together. Anyone who faced such ridicule in their life would need guidance and support too, it was a work in progress.

In the darkness of the night, Grace woke up in a cold sweat. Her stomach was turning, forming knots and she felt absolutely dreadful, rushing out of bed and to the bathroom. She knelt down in front of the toilet and spilled her guts, trying not to wake Taylor who had crawled into bed not long before because she was working on a song.

Just when she felt like she couldn't release anymore, she felt her stomach return to it's nauseous state, only seconds passing before she was back over the toilet. Grace was never one to get sick, only having been ill a handful of times since she was a child. However, when she did, it was often brutal and much worse than the standard cold.

She was freezing but she could feel sweat escaping from her pores, wishing she could check her temperature so she knew whether or not to put a cool towel on her forehead. She was too drained to stand up in that moment, what must have been two in the morning judging by how long she felt had passed since Taylor joined her.

Laying her head down on the tile next to the toilet, Grace closed her eyes and tried to settle her stomach, taking slow and deep breaths.

I can't be sick, I have to take care of Taylor.

Minutes passed before she found herself throwing up once again, small sobs crashing the party as she felt even worse than before. She was in too much agony to recognize the blonde wandering in behind her and pulling back her hair.

"Hey, it's okay honey," Taylor cooed, using one hand to hold her fiancé's hair in a false ponytail while the other ran up and down her back, "Shh, baby. It's okay, let it out."

This was exactly what Grace didn't want, she didn't want Taylor feeling the need to help her. She needed Taylor to go back to bed and get her rest so that in the morning she would be in a good mood. Grace could take care of herself, Grace had to.

When Grace stopped throwing up, falling back down the ground in pure exhaustion she looked up at Taylor, "G-go back to bed."

Taylor crouched down on the cold tile next to her, feeling her forehead and sighing, "You definitely have a fever."

Grace failed to hold back a sob, the pain in her abdomen making her unable to do so, never mind complete full, deep breaths any longer. Taylor stood up and opened the medicine cabinet, pulling out something to settle the girls stomach and lower her fever.

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