Chapter 31

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The magnificent eight bedroom Watch Hill mansion was even more than Grace had imagined it to be. While Parker and Joe unloaded the girls bags and the cats inside, Taylor took it upon herself to give Grace a full tour of one of her favourite homes.

"Are you throwing another party here this year?" Grace asked, standing out on the balcony that overlooked the ocean and beach with Taylor's long arms wrapped around her from behind.

The balcony was off of a seating area on the second floor, the black railing barely meeting Taylor's waist height. The house was tall compared to the ocean below it, allowing for privacy as well as the feeling of being at the beach at the same time. Taylor paid so much for it for a good reason, it was probably her favourite of her properties even though she didn't get up there are much as she would like to.

"No," Taylor replied, resting her chin on the brunette's shoulder contently.

"You love Independence Day though?" Grace questioned, wondering why Taylor would pass up the opportunity to throw another one of her infamous parties.

"I know, but you're going to be in London so I'm just gonna invite Austin and my parents to come hangout in New York for my break."

Grace sighed at Taylor's answer, "Why not do something, babe?"

Taylor didn't reply, figuring Grace had some idea as to why the blonde would be reluctant to throw a big celebration in the middle of her tour. As much as she would love to, she was tired on those breaks and didn't want to do something without the person who meant the most to her by her side. 

Taylor had to be in New York for some meetings and Grace would be stuck in London for all of July as her father's new company was launching and since she was running it, she needed to be there to get it on its feet. Once she knew things were running smoothly she could step back more and work from wherever she wanted to again.

Taylor continued to embrace Grace and soak in the view for a few minutes until getting an idea, "Come here, I want to show you one of my favourite places."

Grace followed as Taylor led them through the house and up to a window that took them to a lookout point on the roof once they climbed through it. The view she thought was incredible from the balcony becoming even more so from that place.

"I was thinking we could watch the sunset from here tonight, I've been wanting to show you this for a while."

"I can't believe you own this, Tay. This is gorgeous," Grace exclaimed, smiling widely as she turned from the singer to the ocean once more.

"It's nice, isn't it? I think my view is better though," Taylor said, placing her arm around Grace's shoulders and holding the brunette against her.

Grace furrowed her eyebrows, not understanding what Taylor meant, "Huh?"

Taylor laughed, "You. You're my view."

Grace's cheeks tinted red as she melted into Taylor's body, the butterflies in her stomach returning from their short leave of absence. She smiled without saying anything, trying to capture the moment in her memory forever.

The sun was beaming down on them and the crash of the waves on the shore mixing with a cool breeze made the summer atmosphere that much more enjoyable. Taylor could smell Grace's vanilla scented perfume, the same one she clung to on sweaters or pillows when they were apart.

You make me feel like a little kid again. Like I have a silly little crush that makes me want to throw up and scream and die all at the same time.

They finally decided to go inside a make a light lunch, thankful that Parker had run into a grocery store to pick up some essentials on the way. Grace played with the cats while Taylor mixed the salads together, Joe and Parker bickering about something in the other room.

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