Chapter 82

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I made Grace an actual Instagram account because I was bored. She's 'gracekent21' if you want to look, it's pretty ridiculous but I'm entertained.

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"Go stand under the cactus, I'll take a picture of you," Grace said to Taylor as the car stopped on the side of the road.

"Wanna take matching pictures and post them at the same time for the fans?"

Grace chuckled, "Sounds great, I think they've figured out by now that we aren't ever going to post a picture together so it'll be a good tease."

They took pictures of each other under the giant cactus in Arizona before getting back in the car to go to the hotel, Taylor changing her screensaver to the one Parker took of them kissing underneath it.

They checked into the room and brought up the luggage before Grace turned to Taylor with a smile, "I know you have a tour starting tomorrow but I have something I really need to tell you."

Taylor was slightly concerned as she sat down on the bed, "What's up?"

"I got in."

"You got in? Wait- you got into Oxford?" Taylor asked excitedly.

"Yeah!" Grace replied as she showed the confirmation email.

Taylor stood up and tackled her into a hug, laughing happily, "Congratulations! I knew you would! When do you start?"

"Thank you," Grace smiled against Taylor's chest, "End of August."

She was all smiles, excitedly giggling as Taylor held her close and kissed the top of her head, both enjoying the moment before there was a knock on the door.

"It's probably my mom," the blonde said as she went to open the door, sure enough Andrea was on the other side and readily opening her arms for a long awaited hug.

"Hi, it's so good to see you! You both look so pretty today, how was the flight?" The mother rambled on as she went to hug Grace.

"It was good," Taylor answered, "Although, Grace was just telling me how she was accepted to Oxford."

Andrea turned back from her daughter to the brunette, "You got in? Congrats! Taylor, maybe you should've applied too."

"Maybe not when I'm preforming a worldwide stadium tour," Taylor laughed as Grace returned to her arms, needing a little longer of a hug than she had gotten before.

"Did I interrupt something?" The older woman asked as she watched the girls cling to one another in the middle of the room.

Taylor shook her head and placed a soft kiss of Grace's head once more, "Grace likes to pretend she's tough but really she just likes to be cuddled and carried around, she's in a mood apparently."

As Andrea laughed at the couple, Grace said, "I am tough, just not right now."

"Sure you are, honey. I'll just pretend you didn't cry last night about how much you love me."

Grace gasped, "Why are you trying to embarrass me?"

"That actually happened? That's something you girls do?" Andrea asked with raised eyebrows.

Taylor nodded with a small smile as Grace hide her face even more, "She's soft."

"I was drunk."

"She's soft even when she's not drunk."

"You made me soft. I was tough before I met you."

Taylor chuckled, "Whatever you say, baby girl."

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