Chapter 47

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Grace was sitting on the chair by the foot of the bed, Taylor's soft snores the soundtrack to her business emails that day. It was already one in the afternoon and she had been awake since nine, showered and ate before coming back upstairs and waiting for the singer to wake up.

She kept telling herself she would give Taylor one more emails worth of time before she woke her up but the blonde looked so peaceful she couldn't bring herself to do it. Taylor had been an emotional wreck the night before and Grace was hoping that when she did wake, most of the hangover had been slept off.

This wasn't exactly the anniversary she had in mind but she was okay with it.

When Taylor rolled over and didn't feel Grace next to her, she looked around the room with a dazed expression as she reached for her glasses. Slipping them onto her face she looked at Grace with a lazy smile.

"What time is it?" Taylor croaked out with a coarse and grainy voice indicative of her just waking up.

Grace looked down at her watch, "One thirty."

Taylor's eyes widened as her face dropped, "One thirty?"

Grace nodded as she shut her computer lid and set it down on the table beside her. She stood up and walked over to the bed, crawling in next to Taylor and kissing her neck.

"Happy anniversary," Grace said, feeling the blonde rub the sleep from her eyes.

"Happy anniversary," Taylor replied, sounding a little more awake now.

"Do you want your present right now or do you want to shower first?" Grace asked her fiancé as Taylor pulled her closer.

"We should shower first," Taylor answered, a smirk appearing on her lips even though Grace couldn't see it because she had practically attached herself to Taylor with her lips pressed right against the blonde's neck.

Grace smiled against Taylor, "Mhm, as tempting as that sounds I've already showered today."

Taylor started tracing light circles along Grace's back, slowly pushing the t-shirt that clung to the brunette's skin up, "Who says you can't shower twice?"

Grace placed a soft kiss against Taylor's neck once again, wanting to say yes so badly but knowing she shouldn't for the sake of her skin. She thought about it for a moment before deciding to answer.

"See, the problem is that if I go with you my skin will get irritated and if I wait for you to come out then neither of us will leave this bed today, and we'll smell like sex if we do."

"Just come with me," Taylor whispered as she kissed the top of Grace's head while lowering her hand slightly.

Grace caved in, getting up and following Taylor to the bathroom. Stripping her clothes and leaving them in a pile on the floor, Grace stepped into the shower and felt the water run over her for the second time that day.

Taylor's breath hitched as she looked at Grace's body, seeing a small coloured section of skin along Grace's hip that was most certainly not there before.

"Is that a tattoo?" Taylor asked, completely shocked as she looked at the artwork, running her hand over it because it didn't look sensitive or anything. She was curious to know if it was real.

Grace nodded slightly before shrugging, "Temporary. I wanted to see what you thought before I got it for real. If you don't like it, I won't do it."

"It would be this design? Right here?" Taylor asked, tracing it with her fingers in a way that made Grace squirm ever so slightly.

"Yeah, I've been thinking about getting a tattoo for a couple years now but I've never had something that played around in my mind long enough for me to actually consider it."

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