Chapter 66

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"That would be mine, thank you," Taylor smiled as she stole the baby carrier from William the second the man brought it through the doorway.

It was April, the yearly birthday trip to the cottage which had actually become Jennifer's permanent residence since Robert's death. Karlie and William had come from London for it, the girls from New York where Taylor had been recording.

The last month had been fairly routine, Grace going down to her personal office to do some work while Taylor snuck off to the studio and did what she could without the team in Los Angeles or Atlanta. Taylor hadn't been spotted in public and the engagement ring scare had fizzled down to nothing, no one seeming to notice the jewelry in the few pictures that made their way online.

Taylor was a little disappointed in her fans, thinking they would have maybe connected the dots after that, she had been training them to pick up on the most minuscule of things for years.

Karlie walked in a few steps behind her boyfriend and laughed at the blonde halfway down the hall with the baby, "Well, at least she's got her priorities straight."

"You would think she'd at least say hello," William added as he hugged his sister and mom, heading back to the car to grab the luggage.

"Consider this hello from both of us," Grace said as she hugged the model, "You look great."

"You have a newborn that doesn't sleep between midnight and six every day and say then you can say that," Karlie scoffed.

"I was being serious, Will said to be nice because you were grumpy. I think you look better than he described."

"Grace," Jennifer scolded, "Be nice. You don't want to get poor William in trouble."

Karlie chuckled, "Poor William? Try poor Karlie! Your grandson doesn't sleep, like ever."

"Give him to Taylor and Grace for a night then, remind them why they don't have kids yet," the grandmother laughed as she started to go find the baby she hadn't seen in a couple weeks. She had stayed three weeks in the UK to help with him but had come home recently.

"You want to take Lanny tonight? Consider it a gift to your brother and I because you love us and want us to get some sleep," Karlie pleaded, almost eager to hand off her child due to exhaustion. She had bags under her eyes and hadn't put something besides sweatpants on in weeks, even her hair was pulled into a messy bun.

"Ask Tay, I'm pretty sure she'll say yes but I know better than to commit to that without asking."

The girls went to the seating area with the gorgeous afternoon sun shining through, casting a warm glow. Grace sat down next to Taylor and looked over at her nephew, awing at how much he had already changed since they first saw him.

His eyes were open and he was staring contently at Taylor, a curious young mind trying to get used to the new arms holding him.

It was minutes before the baby was sound asleep again the singer's chest, Karlie glaring at her friend that had no issue getting her son to fall asleep, "How did you do that?"

"I don't know, he just fell asleep," Taylor replied nonchalantly as she rubbed the child's back softly.

William came in after unloading the car and took one look at the baby before saying, "Oh you are so taking him tonight. Karlie, we're sleeping in the guest house."

"Aren't you breastfeeding?" Taylor asked, not even fighting the man's statement, "Doesn't he eat at night?"

"I'll pump and put a few bottles in the fridge. You claimed him the second you came in, you can have him," Karlie assured the shorter blonde.

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