Chapter 42

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On a Monday morning in New York City the snow had stopped falling. There was the distant smell of coffee wafting up the stairway as Grace began to stir, most likely from the security guard known to make himself a pot if he rose before the couple.

The two girls were laced together in some twisted fashion neither of them remembered going into, the thin sheets pressed between them the only garments to be found. Fluttering her eyes open, the brunette found herself on top of the blonde.

Quietly trying not to wake Taylor, Grace slowly started to shift her weight off the singer. The events of last night still loud in her mind and ever present on her skin.

What Grace didn't recognize was the blonde's normal breathing pattern that indicated her fiancé was awake. It was only when Taylor's hands met her hips, pulling her back close with a grumble did she look at Taylor, seeing her blue eyes wide awake. Taylor's face was fitted with her glasses, a small smudge reflecting off the light coming through the window.

"Oh, hi," Grace said groggily, giving a small smile as she refused to fight the actions Taylor had begun, settling back in against her skin. The blanket that was sandwiched between them no more, leaving only skin to skin contact.

"Hi, Taylor replied softly, offering the same smile only less sleepy-looking.

"How long have you been awake?" Grace asked, yawning against Taylor's chest and wiping the sleep from her eyes.

"About an hour. You looked comfy so I let you sleep," the blonde moved her hand up and began to play with Grace's hair.

"Thanks," the brunette said. She took Taylor hands off her back and moved it towards her mouth, placing a soft kiss against the back of it.

"What do you want to do today?" Taylor inquired as she began to trace the messy line of dark marks that went down Grace's back. She didn't remember putting them there but apparently she had at some point.

Grace hummed for a moment, "Whatever you're doing."

Taylor let a small laugh of amusement escape from her lips. She considered if she should take Grace to where she was going to last night, she had been waiting for a special occasion but thought it might be nice to do that day, especially because the weather cleared up from the storm.

"Can I take you somewhere? I promise we won't walk, I'll drive now that the roads are cleared up."

"You bringing Parker?" Grace asked, shifting her head up to see Taylor shake hers as a reply.

"We don't need him, we'll go straight to the car and straight back. It'll be fun, like ninjas," Taylor said with a grin that made Grace go a little crazy.

"Quite the risk taker this week, aren't you? First you propose and now you're actually okay with leaving the house without Parker. If you decide to go skydiving I am not going with you," Grace laughed, sitting up and placing her back against the headboard.

She pulled the blanket up to cover her, Taylor following suit. The taller girl felt Grace press their shoulder's together before tilting her head to rest it there.

"I wasn't dreaming that we got engaged last night, right?" Taylor asked, looking at the carving at the end of the bed.

"For the millionth time, yes baby. You actually proposed and I actually said yes," Grace giggled. She turned her head and placed a kiss on Taylor's cheek, making the blonde smile.

"So, do we tell people... or?" Taylor trailed off, trying not to get too deep.

"Probably should tell our parents, don't you think? Oh my god your mom is going to freak!" Grace said enthusiastically, wiggling her feet under the covers and making Taylor laugh.

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