Chapter 55

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Placing her hand on the phone sat atop her wooden desk, looking out at the sea of employees just outside the glass doors of her office, Grace pressed the button to call Kadence into the room.

A second later, the brunette appeared and stood in the doorway, a blank expression on her face as she waited to be directed by her boss.

"I'm going to go home early today, if you can just send the final details over to the event hall for the gala next month you can head out too," Grace said to her assistant.

"Are you sure? I thought you wanted me to finish the agenda for the Thirteen meeting next week?"

"No I took care of it, I'll be handling all of the paperwork and stuff for Taylor by myself nowadays, thank you though. She didn't call today, right?" Grace asked, pulling her purse out of her desk drawer.

Kadence was now aware of Grace's relationship with Taylor, something that was necessary when Grace explained the importance of letting her know if the blonde called two weeks prior.

"No," the young woman answered, "Nothing from your wife today."

Grace chuckled, "That's either a great sign or a horrible one but it is only noon so I'm not going to jump to conclusions."

Taylor had been texting and calling the brunette almost non-stop, always asking for Grace by saying "Hi, can I talk to my wife?" when she called, a quick joke between the woman and her employee now.

"Enjoy the rest of you day, Ms. Kent," Kadence smiled before returning to her desk. She was only two years younger than Grace and while she had insisted on just being called 'Grace', Kadence never listened.

Grace nodded and left her office, checking her phone one last time before stopping at her brother's office across the hallway, "Hey, I'm going home. You and Karlie still good to come over for dinner tonight?"

The older Kent sibling looked up and sighed, "I think so but I just got a huge deposition. If not both of us, I know at least Karlie will be there."

"Alright, talk to you later Will," Grace replied. She walked out to the parking lot of got in her Mercedes, leaving the Kent family headquarters behind and driving a few blocks down to a flower cart.

The heiress smiled at the woman running the booth and picked out some roses, handing her the money and telling her to have a great day.

When she pulled up to the iron gates and entered the passcode to let her into the driveway, putting the car into the garage and taking off her shoes at the door, Grace called out, "Hey, I'm home."

"In the living room," Taylor yelled back a second later, Grace smiled and took the flowers down the hallway, leaving her purse and keys on the table by the door.

"Hey-" the brunette paused as she saw Taylor sitting on couch, her face wet with a few loose tears as their therapist sat on the couch across from her, "Oh sorry, I thought your appointment was at eleven."

"That's my fault, I ran over with a client this morning and pushed it back an hour," Kate apologized. She had been hesitant to take Taylor on as a client because she thought it might not be the best idea for both sides of the couple to meet with her.

Grace explained that Taylor was only willing to speak with her because she knew Grace trusted her, so starting a few weeks ago on Tuesdays, Kate came to their house once a week to talk with Taylor while Grace was at the office and Grace would continue to meet with her on Wednesdays.

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