Chapter 9

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In the days following Taylor's realization, she struggled to come to grips with the situation. No matter how hard the singer tried to get Grace out of her head, the brunette kept popping back into her thoughts.

She had basically locked herself in her music room for the better part of the day and she had been ignoring her phone for the last two. She wasn't eating properly, Parker had offered to cook for her but she refused every single time, saying she was eating at weird times due to "inspiration".

It wasn't a complete lie, Taylor was writing songs. They weren't very good, they would never be released and she would probably burn them before she risked anyone seeing them but they were songs. Her fingers were sore from playing the guitar for too long, meaning she switched to the piano.

She hadn't been keeping track of what day it was, she had dodged her mom's numerous calls by saying she was sick and not up to talking. She had Tree cancel her plans for the remainder of the week, not providing a reason. Tree agreed without further explanation required, something Taylor was very thankful for.

It wasn't that she was embarrassed of the fact she might like her best friend, it was more that she couldn't deal with it. She couldn't act on it, she had only ever dated guys, it would ruin her image but more importantly her friendship. Taylor was struggling with the fact if she was bisexual, she would have to stay hidden forever. Burying those feelings back down wherever they came from.

Taylor was shocked, she had never liked a girl in her whole life. There was the occasional, she's really pretty and she has a really great body, but it was never feelings like she was experiencing. She was petrified, afraid to leave the confines other penthouse because the outside world might just come crashing in.

The night she realized her feelings, she was nauseous beyond belief. She spent the remainder of the night in the bathroom, trying but failing to keep her lunch down. It was quite honestly the most painful thing she had ever gone through in her life, trying to accept that she could never accept it.

Taylor was a mess, still in pyjamas from who knows when and her hair desperately needed to be washed. She was missing her normal glow, likely from being dehydrated and not eating enough. She was humming a tune, the same one she couldn't get out of her head. It was sweet and gentle but it had no words and she couldn't seem to put any to it.

There was the sound of the doorbell ringing through the house, but she wasn't expecting anyone so she went onto the intercom to ask Parker to tell whoever it was, most likely a fan, to go away.

It wasn't until she heard Grace calling out for her that she knew she was in trouble. I'm so going to fire Parker for this.

Grace's voice had been getting closer, Taylor let the keys on the piano fall silent as she listened to the quickly approaching footsteps. Her heart began beating faster, possibly faster than she had felt it go before but unlikely because if her background as a performer. She was paralyzed, unsure of what do her. Her mouth was dry, it felt like she was choking. She had it really bad for Grace, she had never felt this.

Have I felt this all along and have just been oblivious?

Grace finally found Taylor, looking at her through the doorway. Taylor wished she had closed the door after her last bathroom break. Grace's jaw dropped, not expecting to see Taylor in her state.

"Did Parker let you in?" Taylor asked, her voice low and rough. She refused to make eye contact with the green-eyed girl, staring at the keys of the piano.

"Well, no one had heard from you for days. He called me," Grace answered, not moving from her position in the boundary of the hallway and where Taylor was.

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