Chapter 39

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This chapter contains a series of events over the duration of quite a long time period, we will be back to normal soon.

As always, feedback is appreciated. Thanks for reading!


November 2, 2015 - Knightsbridge, London, England

"You want me to buy you out?" William asked, his hands in his pockets as he stood by the kitchen table in their family home. He knit his eyebrows together as he looked at his younger sister, whom he thought would be overjoyed by her inheritance.

"I want a couple things but you can take everything else. You always wanted to run the family business and while I love it, I'm not cut out for it," Grace replied, setting her teacup down on the wooden table.

Louis, their executor had told her it was within the terms of the trust that she could transfer possession to William yesterday, meaning she was able to do so. If she wasn't able to, she would hold onto her stake but give Will full control.

"Wow, Grace. That's a lot, I mean- what do you want to keep?" The elder sibling leaned forward and steadied himself on the chair.

"Half of dad's firm, my charity in full, two of the buildings in New York and full clearence to do whatever I want under Kent Industries title. I want to be active but I don't want anything to do with the other businesses. The way I see it, dad did it all himself, we don't need two of us to manage it. You'll be fine, I'm just gonna... do my own thing for a while. I have a couple things I want to work on but I'm not in a rush."

"Grace that's roughly-" William began, doing some quick and sloppy math in his mind.

"It's sixteen, I had Louis check. You have it now and you'll earn it back in time."

"Sixteen billion? That's less than I thought?"

"I want to remain named on Kent Industries as a whole, I took a big chunk off for your co-operation. Louis sending over the transfer forms as we speak," Grace said, giving her brother a hellish grin knowing she was going to get what she wanted.

"Done," William reached his hand out for them to shake, "You still good to represent us at events? People like you a little better than me, at least, that's what Margaret said."

"That's one part I love, William. You couldn't even stop me from going if you tried."

And so that's what she got, she kept her key to the Knightsbridge Manor, the deeds to her two favourite buildings in New York (the one that had the hobo outside and one by Taylor's apartment), full ownership of The Kent Foundation and she remained an active participant in both Kent Industries and Kent Legal. That was all she really cared about, enough to keep her busy but not overwhelmed.

Grace's dreams were never to operate her father's legacy, they were to do what made her happy in life. She took what she wanted, knowing her brother would be putty in her hands for the chance to gain more power. She could work from wherever she wanted on whatever she wanted, coming and going as she pleased in the firm unless William needed her for executive decisions. She wasn't a lawyer but she was considered a major investor, giving her the same power in the business.

The reason the Kent's became lawyers was mostly so they knew how to cover their asses in a bad situation, William would be best at that. She knew she was making the right decision in stepping back and giving him the reigns.

"You're doing it for her, aren't you? So you can be with her and not end up like mom and dad?"

"Yeah. It's for her."

December 12, 2015 - Melbourne, Australia

"Melbourne, this tour has been incredible and I am so lucky to have been able to spend the last seven months with you, the fans. Please, give it up for the dancers, the singers, the band, the crew and most importantly all of you," Taylor smiled out at the crowd, her heart was running in her ears as they went wild, "Goodnight, Australia."

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