Chapter 87

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November 21, 2018 - Tokyo, Japan

Another day, another show, the last show to be precise. It was the final day of Taylor's tour and she was so excited to be done with it, although she loved it so much and it was some of the best shows she had ever done, she was also excited because it meant they could finally just relax for a while and enjoy Grace's pregnancy.

Taylor was sleeping that Wednesday morning, trying to regain some of her energy that was exerted during the night before, Tokyo was a huge success in it's first night. She was suddenly jostled awake by what she assumed was Grace's elbow accidentally hitting her arm, hearing quick footsteps away from the bed.

She glanced at the clock on the end table, five thirty-three in the morning, and then she knew exactly what was happening.

Quickly sliding her glasses on and rushing into the bathroom, Taylor grabbed ahold of Grace's hair in a false ponytail, the other hand going up and down her back as the brunette lost the remnants of their dinner.

"You're alright, take a deep breath," Taylor comforted when Grace stopped for a second, only to return back to the toilet bowl within the next. The singer instantly knew that even though it was the first time the heiress had experienced morning sickness, they were both already very tired of it. "It's okay, baby girl, you're doing good."

When Grace finally stopped, Taylor stood up and offered her a cold washcloth, asking if she wanted a glass for water to which Grace accepted. Filling a disposable cup the hotel had left in a package on the counter, Taylor handed it to her wife and dabbed the cool cloth along her forehead while she sipped it.

"That's a good sign, it means the baby is healthy," the older girl said, receiving a weak smile from the younger one who looked utterly defeated by life.

"Can you pass me my toothbrush?" Grace asked, handing the empty cup back.

"Sure," Taylor answered, getting the toothbrush ready and passing it over to the woman sitting on the cold tile floor, "You're not going back to sleep, are you?"

Grace shook her head with the brush in her mouth, trying to comb out the revolting and acidic taste. Taylor nodded and sat down on the floor with her, using her left hand to stroke Grace's back.

Grace carefully stood up a moment later, feeling a bit stronger than she had and washed out her mouth and put her toothbrush away, "I'm going back to bed, I don't know if I'll fall asleep."

Taylor joined her, bringing the trash bin with her and setting it next to Grace's side of the bed in case she didn't make it to the bathroom next time, the last thing they wanted was a press release saying something like "Taylor Swift Trashes Hotel Room in Tokyo with Vomit".

"Are you nauseous?" Taylor asked as she pushed the covers over Grace and walking around the bed to her side.

"A little, yeah," the brunette replied, "You can go back to sleep, sorry I woke you up."

"No, it's fine. Please wake me up, I don't want you to go through that alone. I'll stay awake with you, you're just going to wake me up in twenty-minutes when you can't fall back asleep anyways."

The heiress chuckled slightly and pulled the covers closer to her face, "First doctors appointment on Friday."

"Mhmm," Taylor smiled, "Ultrasound, heartbeat, blood tests, twenty-questions and pick-up sticks all wrapped into a neat little bow."

"Somebody has been on google."

"Well, I might have gotten a little carried away when you called to make the appointment and they said that at almost seven weeks we might be able to actually see our baby."

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