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She leaned up against me, her body warming my own. I sat a little awkwardly next to her. I loved having her there, all snuggled up, but I wasn't sure what to do.

She, on the other hand, had enveloped me with her body. Her legs and arms sprawled over my own like she didn't want me to go away.

I was writing on my computer, trying to get some homework done, she was just lying next to me lazily, I half expected her to fall asleep.

I looked down at her, her head snuggled resting on my chest.

I bopped my foot against her own, and she glared up at me with a hint of a smile, resting her head against my chest once again.

I bopped her foot once again with my own, and she returned the gesture. Our socked feet fought against each other, leading us to quiet laughter.

She leaned back up against me, I closed my computer, setting it aside. I wrapped my arm around her, giving her a kiss on top of her head. She snuggled closer. We lay like that for a long time, not saying much but bopping our feet back and forth against each other.

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