Chapter 1

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Midoriya POV

I was casually walking to school when I heard someone talking about me. They didn't say my actual name, just my more villainous name.

"Did you here? That one guy, the one that the police can't get any information on? Well, supposedly he killed another person last night." One guy said.

"Wait the Green Reaper? Man, he scares me. He just kills people out of no where. There's never any relation with the people he's killed so they can't find anything." Another guy said.

"Eh. He's probably just flat-out insane. Just goes killing people for fun."

"I think that's called being a sadist. So maybe he's that but just takes it a little too far?"

"A little?! Dude, he's killed over 50 people within the last seven months. He probably just finds it amusing to see the cops so confused."

"Yeah, you never know. For all we know he has a legitimate reason for killing these people and everyone's just too dumb to figure it out."

They continued on their conversation as I walked away.

I do have a reason. It's because I'm slightly different from you all. I have two ways to find my soulmate. One way is boring and will take too long. The other can be fun if you make it fun. And, I'm not flat-out insane. I'm only a little bit insane but that's because of the things that happened to me as a child and the people I grew up with. I only have slight anger issues (Which makes it easier to kill people if they piss me off). Oops! I didn't mean to say that. Well, I guess I'll get to the point. I'm a serial killer. I'm known very well all throughout Japan. I'm known really well because I'm simply good at cleaning up my messes. And no, I don't kill on a daily basis. I just do it when I'm really eager and I get into a killing mood. I guess I'll also say this now so your not completely confused. In this world everyone has a specific song that's only known to them and their soulmate. That song is constantly stuck in their head at all times. Other songs can get stuck in their head but that one original song is always there. Some people in my class have already found their soulmates simply because they were humming it during class and someone spoke up saying they had that same song.

But, there's also the more rare occasion. It's where you have two ways to find your soulmate. There's the song way, and then there's the physical way. Okay, that kinda sounded weird but lets roll with it. The killing--OH! sorry. . . uh *Ahem* the physical way is that you can't physically hurt your soulmate. But, uh yeah. I've been going on killing rampages for about seven months now. I've killed 56 people total within the time span of seven months ago and last night. I usually kill about 2 people each time I go out but the last two times I've killed only one and the time before those two I killed three. Now, THAT was fun.

Like I said I'm only a little insane
Little time skip to when he's at school.

Midoryia POV

When I arrived I casually went to my class and sat at my seat. I was prepping all my things for the day when a hand slammed on my desk.

"Kacchan if you don't mind, please restrain from exploding my desk. I don't want you to end up kill-uh breaking it." I commented at the hand that smoking and potentially burning my desk.

"Huh? What was that? You don't want me killing the desk? Hah! If you weren't such a damn weak little nerd I'd say you're hiding something."

"No. I just read about what had happened last night. It's been on my mind."

"And why's that? You wondering how the police haven't found out it's you? It's probably cause of how weak your body looks."

I gritted my teeth. Maybe I should try and kill him to 'test' if he's my soulmate or not. But what would happen if I couldn't hurt him and he really was my soulmate? Nah, I seriously doubt he is. And plus, if I kill him who's gonna be the one to get me pissed off enough to go kill someone. He's literally my source of anger, he's what keeps me going. "No, and sorry to disappoint but you're only partly right. It's been on my mind because I've been wondering why the pro heroes haven't found him yet." I emphasized 'him' so he got the idea that it wasn't me. Though, it very obviously was. Well maybe it wasn't obvious but I did name myself the Green Reaper. Everybody thought it was because the Green Reaper always wore a green suit and mask. But people haven't exactly gotten the idea that it could also be because the Green Reaper has green hair and eyes. But the theories weren't entirely wrong. I don't exactly wear a green suit. I wear a red button-up long-sleeved shirt with a black vest and green tie and black gloves and pants, along with a dark green mask that has a smoke design on it.

And then there's my quirk. I can produce a smoke-like substance that can be used as a smoke screen to hide things (such as knives coming for the face) or to trick people. If I concentrate enough then I can shape the smoke into objects or images. It's really fun to mess with people's minds whether it's for killing or to scare people off. Either way, it's still super fun.

(Sorry I got a little off topic) Kacchan looked at me with a shit-eating grin and went to go sit down at his seat. I can't help but to admire him. He also has a great quirk, and it could go well with mine. Hmm. . . I wonder if I could get him to join me. Even though I only really kill to find my soulmate, it would still be fun to do with another person. And, I lied. Well, kinda. When I first started killing people it was to find my soulmate. Nowadays sometimes I just kill for fun and to make it more confusing for the police. To make them less suspicious of my targets I would kill a fully grown adult every once and a while to steer away from the fact I was targeting people around my age group (15 years old). It's just logic. Anyways, Kacchan seems to have fun hurting and insulting people. He would make such a good sidekick. Oh man, he would hate it if he was my sidekick. . . Oh well. We'll see what happens. Maybe I will ask him. And if he declines I'll either kill him, or threaten him to where if he told anyone I would kill him. Either way works for me. . .

Ok so. This is my first actual story I'm posting. I have no idea how much I'll update but I'll try to as much as possible. With the whole online school thing going on it's kinda hard to focus on what I'm gonna write next so yea.

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