Chapter 6

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3rd POV

Midoriya didn't deserve a guy as good as Todoroki. And he knew that. That's the one thing that never left his mind during their get-together. He was so nice and seemed so caring for the green haired kid. And here he was, a murderer.

I am NEVER going to kill someone again. Not after meeting Todoroki. If he finds out I'm the Green Reaper then he's going to hate me forever. Izuku thought.

After the two were done eating they decided to go to the park. It was a very nice day out after all.

Both boys seemed oddly calm on the outside, but on the inside, they were screaming. The same thoughts ran through both of their heads: Just keep up the conversation! Don't mess anything up! Ask simple questions, make simple statements, UGH I don't want him to think I'm simple! But I don't want to seem complicated either! Ugh, I hope he's doing better than I am.

Well, you can say that they were both doing equally as bad. They weren't doing any better or worse than each other. Well. . . Todoroki might've been struggling a little bit more. Midoriya wouldn't stop smiling. If he keeps this up I'm gonna go blind, He thought.

They were simply walking along, enjoying each other's company. They had finished their little game of 20 questions back at the restaurant, before they decided to go to the park. Now they just let normal topics surge such as:

"Hey, Todo? Can I ask you something that I hope isn't too personal?"


"You have siblings don't you?" Izuku looked up at the taller male. He almost seemed strained.

"Yes I do. Why do you ask?" Todoroki said while looking back at Midoriya.

"Well. . ." He paused for a moment. "I remember reading about something one time. I hadn't even meant to click on it, but. . . " He looked really nervous.

I know what he's about to say. I didn't want to talk about it. EVER.

"I read that you had a brother-. . . ? And--"

"Yes. His name was Touya. He disappeared years ago. I don't want to talk about."

"T-that's okay." Midoriya gave Shoto a small smile. "Take as much time as you need to open up. Or just stay how you are and never completely open up. I'll be fine with anything that you choose."

"Thanks." Todo gave back a smile.

So soft. Midoriya thought.

So bright. Todoroki thought.

Le time skip to after their date~

"Thanks for driving me home Todo! I wish I could return the favor."

"You already did. If anything this was me returning the favor." Todoroki smiled softly at the boy. This was so weird for him. . . he's never smiled so much in one day.

"How so?"

"Well, you were the one to ask if I wanted to hang out in the first place. You're the reason I had a fantastic day for the first time in a while. So, you see? There's no reason you would need to pay me back, for me simply paying you back. It doesn't really make sense."

Izuku thought about that for a second. "O-okay. If you say so then!" He smiled even more than he was a second ago to show that he wasn't going to argue anymore.


"MOM! MOM! CALM DOWN!" Todo chuckled a little bit at the mother's excited attitude. "But, yes this is Todoroki. Todoroki, this is my mom."

"It's very nice to meet you, Todoroki!"

"It's nice to meet you too-. . uhm"

"Oh! Just call me Inko!"


"Oh! You should've seen Izuku. He was so excited for this—"

"MOM!" Izuku was deeply flustered. He didn't want his mom to embarrass him anymore by saying certain things. "Okay, well, now that you two have met each other, it's time for us to go and for you to go home now. I don't want you getting in trouble and. . . "

He was talking really fast and nervously while also pushing his mom inside the door. It was an adorable sight really. Izuku all flustered, Inko trying to get past her son so she could say more things to embarrass him even more, both of them talking fast trying to get someone's attention.

"Hey, Zuku."

Both of them paused in the doorway. Midoriya turned even redder from the nickname being spoken in front of his mom.

"Y-yes Todo?"

Inko looked at the two of them and smiled at the cute nicknames for one another.

"I would like to do this again some time. It was really. . . fun."

"Yeah it was. Sure! But it might not be as often as I would like it to be. I have to train more for UA, and I still have school to worry about. But, on the bright side, you work at my favorite coffee shop so hopefully I'll still see you often even if it's not for a long time."

"Yeah. That's fine. Knowing my father, he's probably going to try and keep me busy with training as well. So my morning job would work out for both of us."

"Yep! Okay, well, I don't want to keep you here for too long. You better get going."

"Alright, well, I'll see you around Zuku. And thank you, Inko, for allowing this."

"Oh it's no problem! Come by any time you like!"

"I'll see you later Todo! Glad you had a good day today!"

They smiled at each other for a second before Todoroki did a small bow and walked to his car.

No one's POV

For the next few months, both boys studied and trained hard for school. They continued to hang out as friends both oblivious to one another's feelings. Shoto continued to work at the coffee shop for the sole purpose of seeing the green haired boy. And Izuku sometimes went there and didn't even get coffee. He just went there to say hi and just see how life is going for other male. Todoroki also always had a cup of coffee prepared for Izuku everyday. The two had a really awesome and cute relationship. Anybody who simply saw them could probably see how much gay tension there was between the two. And so the days went on, all the way. . . to the UA entrance exam. . .

YEE YEE! 6th Chapter COMPLETED. This one actually didn't take long. But anyways, the entrance exam and more UA stuff are gonna be in the next chapter. And people are reading this story and adding it to reading lists so I must be something right. . . right?! Oh well. But yea, I might write another chapter tomorrow or maybe the day after. It'll happen soon that's all I know. OKAY I'M DONE HAVE A GOOD DAY!!!


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