Chapter 26

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3rd Person

When Izuku woke up he was only slightly confused. He remembered what happened that night and he was A-Okay with it. What he was confused  about was that he had an urge. And sure, that may sound weird- but it might not be the type of urge you'd think about. It was an urge to kill.

Before he stopped his killing rampages this would be pretty normal. But since he had stopped killing this wasn't the most expecting thing.

He laid there with Baku-Backpack and just thought about everything. Wondering why he wanted to kill, who he would want to kill, whether or not he should see a therapist (the last one was a definite yes but he decided to not think about that too much)

He shifted in the bed to where he was facing Katsuki, being careful to not wake him up. Once he was fully shifted he looked up at his childhood friend and smiled unconsciously. He's never seen him look so peaceful before - it was a wonderful sight. And not just because he wasn't yelling, no; because he was just so goddamn beautiful in a weird but also not-so-weird way.

Just give up. He'll get tired of this then leave you. Who knows. . . maybe he'll even start hitting you again. Treating you like nothing, because that's what you are. A big, green, stupid ball of-

Not now. Worst timing, you know that?

No, this is best timing. I'm saving you before you get hurt again. He'll find out eventually. You know, about your little killing spree's. I wonder what family you'll hurt next-

Just shut up. I'm not that type of person anymore-

Even if you aren't now you were that person. You've killed, and that's no lie. You're a murderer, why is that so hard to believe?

Because I'm a hero now-

No you're a hero in training. You'll never be a real hero.

Izuku thought about that for a second. Was he really a hero? Would he ever really be a hero? Or just some guy who's trying to better himself because he murdered people. Innocent people. Why had he stopped? He did it so much it became the norm - got to the point where he would just do it if he was aggravated or confused - and he liked it. He liked seeing the life leave their eyes as they were oblivious to who just murdered them.

Katsuki opened his eyes. Before he could say anything Izuku spoke. "Kacchan I have a question."

He grunted and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. "Okay-?"

Izuku hesitated. This simple question could ruin everything. "Back in middle school-" Katsuki rolled his eyes as memories came back to him. "-you would always say that I was the Green Reaper. . . did-did you mean it. . . ?"

Katsuki thought for a second and scrunched his eyebrows. "I don't know. It was more of a joke than a theory. . . but their was one point where I actually thought. . . nevermind. Why do you ask any-"

Izuku sat up and stared down at the bed. "You thought I was the Green Reaper? It wasn't a joke?" He stared into nothingness, his eyes dull but seemingly frightened.

"It was just for a second- and it was a long time ago-"

"How long. . .?" He mumbled.

What's going on-? Katsuki was afraid to answer anything at this point. He didn't want to say the wrong thing.

"Well?!" His voice escalated. "How long?!" His head jerked towards Katsuki with tears dripping from his eyes.

After he stayed silent, just staring, Izuku wiped the tears away and asked yet another question. Here we go. . . "What would you do if I really was the Green Reaper?"

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