Chapter 25

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Bakugo POV
I grinned at the others fear of me. They all ran to their dorms or in someone else's dorm if it was closer.

I walked around up all the stairs looking around for anyone else. Once I was satisfied with not seeing anyone after threatening all of the ones who took pictures and the ones who might run their mouth, I went looking for Deku's dorm.

When I arrived I debated on knocking or simply going back to my own dorm. I hesitated for a moment before deciding on knocking. Before I could knock I heard a quiet shaky sob; like whoever was crying was try to conceal it.

This is Deku's dorm- why would he be crying?

I knocked on the door. "Oi. Deku. It's me, open up." The sobbing seemed to get louder and slightly frantic. "What the..." I knocked on the door harder and louder. "Oi, open up. Let me in."

I could hear footsteps slowing coming towards the door.

No ones POV

Midoriya stood at the door, trying to keep in his tears. "Why...?"

Bakugo knitted his eyebrows. "We need to talk. . . If that's alright-?"

Izuku's eyes widened. What? 'If that's alright?' He actually wants my permission to talk-? He won't just barge in and yell at me?

It's an act. He's trying to gain your trust so you can let him in. He won't be soft on you. He never has been until last night.

Exactly. He's being nice now. . . Then again it probably because-

It's not a probably. It is because you two found out you're each other's soulmates. Don't believe anything he says.

But. . . What if he's actually genuine? We don't know what he's been thinking. We both know he has a. . . Weird . . . Way of showing emotion. And the way he treated me could've been one of them. . . ?

That's stupid. You're stupid if you let him in-

Guess I'm stupid then.

He cracked the door open and peeked. Bakugo's eyes widened and his hands went straight to Izukus face. Out of impulse, Izuku closed his eyes and braced for impact. He could feel Katsuki's hand pause a centimeter away from his cheek. But it almost felt as if he wasn't about to punch Midoriya. . . What was he going to-

Bakugo caressed his cheek and whispered, "what have I done. . ." It was more of a statement than a question. He knew exactly what he did. He hurt his only true friend- both mentally and physically. And he regretted it greatly.

Katsuki held his position a little longer as Izuku's tears streamed down his face in shock. After about 30 seconds of staring at each other, Bakugo moved a bit closer and pulled him into light hug.

The green haired male sobbed into his shoulder and clenched onto Bakugos shirt. Bakugo moved forward so he could be fully in the room and close the door.

"I'm sorry."

Just those words were enough for Izuku to sob even harder than before. He barely heard the little voice in his head telling him his childhood friend was lying, and that he wasn't sincere. But he knew better. He could hear the hurt in the blondes voice, anyone who knew him well enough would know this wasn't a trick. And he had known Katsuki longer than anyone.

Bakugo tried his best to hold everything is, as he didn't want Midoriya to see him cry. He wasn't afraid of judgement, no. He was afraid Izuku would start blaming himself for everything that's happened in the past and now in the present. So just for the sake of both of them, he held it in.

Eventually they ended up on the bed since Midoriya was getting to a point of exhaustion to where he could barely stand. So, they went on the bed and simply held each other, enjoying the company.

Midoriya eventually fell asleep, but Bakugo stayed awake. He wanted to be there the entire time, and he wanted to be awake to remember it.

Y'all I'm sorry for the short chapters I'm just trying to wrap things up so I can continue/ start other stories and whatnot. And I think the next chapter did gonna be the last one so that's nice-
Anywaysss- 666 words- (not including this) the devil is here to take my soul from the amount of smut and yaoi I've read XD- ANYWAYS ILL LET YALL GO! GIMMI A WAVE IF YOU ACTUALLY READ THIS AND HAVE A GOOD DAY/NIGHT!!!

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