Chapter 12

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No One's POV

Izuku and Hitoshi both agreed to meet after school. Izuku had called his mom and told her that he was going to go study at a friends house. When she agreed that he could go, he was slightly disappointed. He wanted to procrastinate and not talk about his feelings. That was the one thing he didn't like to do. And if he was going to do it with anyone, he would want it to be with Todoroki, but he was busy with more hero stuff so they couldn't hang out much.

Midoriya always got slightly excited for lunch since it was one of the only times he got to see Todoroki. They would always talk about people in their classes and things they're learning about. Midoriya always loved to hear about what they were doing in the hero course. He wanted to be a part of it, though that might mean leaving Shinso behind. The two had a small friendship going smoothly and he wanted to strengthen it, even if the way to do that was to talk about his feelings. . .

"So, here's my house." Shinso said as they walked to the door.

"Wow, it's nice. Definitely better looking than my house."

Shinso nodded slightly in response, and opened the door. "My room is upstairs so let's go-"


"Hizashi, quiet down. You're going to make us all go deaf. Including the cats."

"Oh you're no fun! I'm just tryin' to lighten the mood with you two depresso expresso's!"

"That makes no sense."

There were two voices coming from the kitchen that was just past the set of stairs.

Shinso groaned in annoyance. "Why is he so loud? . . . " He mumbled.

"Shinso. . ." Midoriya started to say. "Who are-"

"YOU MUST BE MIDORIYA, RIGHT? WE'VE HEARD SOME THINGS ABOUT YOU! HOW ARE YAAAA?!?!" A blonde came in practically screaming.

Midoriya gasped slightly. "Hey, you're that announcer from the entrance exam, and the hero, Present Mic! But. . . why are you here?" he questioned looking confused.

"That," Hitoshi stepped up. "Is my dad."

Midoriya's eyes lit up. "REALLY?!"

"Yeah." Shinso still had a bored look on his face; nothing like the loud blonde in front of him who was supposedly his dad.

"Stop it Hizashi. You're going to end up scaring him away with all that screaming." A guy with long black hair walked in holding a mug of coffee that had a little picture of a cat on it. And speaking of cats; a cat walked down the stairs and started to rub against Shinso. He bent down and picked it up. "Hey, Kit." He mumbled towards the cat.

Midoriya was still trying to figure out why there was two hero's in Shinso's house. One of them being Eraser Head and the other Present Mic. Two completely different people, in the same house. "So. . . why is there two pro hero's here?" He looked towards Shinso for an explanation.

"Oh, that's my other dad." He said blandly.

But how? Midoriya questioned to himself.

"I can tell by your expression that you're really confused right now, but I'm not going to explain anything." He was still petting the cat in his arms. Just a hunk of pure black fur that was well groomed.

"A-alright. I won't ask any questions." Izuku stuttered slightly.

"Oh. Midoriya. I remember looking at your profile." Aizawa spoke up.

"W-what? My profile?"

"I'm the teacher for class 1-A. I usually end up expelling students from my class so I sometimes look for people with good quirks to replace them. I remember looking at your profile in case you ended up in my class. Disappointing you only got one point in the entrance exam. That's why I see no point for them to have an exam like that. Some quirks are different and can't exactly be used too well in battle, but they're still great quirks. Like Hitoshi here. His quirk could easily allow him to capture villains instantly, but because of the dumb exam, he didn't get into the hero course. Almost the same with you, except you could've very well gotten in."

Midoriya was slightly shocked, but managed a few words, "Thank you-. . .?"

"Yeah whatever. From what we've heard, you seem nice enough. Maybe in the sports festival you can use that opportunity to try to impress people and get moved into the hero course. If I'm being honest, it would be nice for normal people to replace some students in my class." Aizawa said walking back into the kitchen with Hizashi following closely behind.

Would that mean he would transfer people to replace Bakugo? Izuku thought.

"Come on. let's go to my room before Mic starts talking to us again." Shinso said as he put down the cat he had been holding and started going up the steps. Midoriya nodded his head in agreement.

Shinso closed the door behind Izuku and spoke up. "Let's get this over with."

The two sat down on the bed and talked about everything. Things they've gone through. Things they were feeling and things they wanted to feel. Tears were shed, mainly by Midoriya, while Shinso tried his best to comfort him.

After they were done talking, they both felt relieved. They both had grown significantly closer within the couple hours. During their little talk, they somehow got on the topic on whether or not Midoriya wanted to stay for the night. It was a Friday after all, so they figured it would be fine. Izuku didn't want to show up at his own house and his mom be worried as to why his eyes are red and puffy along with his cheeks. Izuku ended up calling his mom to ask if he could stay over and she happily said yes since she was glad that he had made a friend.

Their plan was to simply stay up all night. Izuku learned that Shinso had insomnia, which explained why he was always so tired in the mornings. And Shinso had learned that Midoriya has anxiety, and possibly slight depression considering Midoriya's thoughts and feelings.

In the end, the two ended up studying after all. Midoriya ended up getting really tired at around three in the morning, and ended up falling asleep on Shinso. At first he was going to just push him off, but then figured he would feel bad if he did so. So, he simply laid back, and fell asleep too.

HELLOOOO! I wasn't going to post tonight but I figured I shouldn't procrastinate and end up doing this 2 weeks later so here ya go. This chapter was very unplanned. I thought the sports festival was going to be in this one but I guess not. Oh well. OKAY I'M DONE NOW HAVE A GOOD DAY!!


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