Chapter 18

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Bakugo POV
If I end up being roommates with that damn nerd I'll be pissed. Well, more pissed. I'll be pissed just having to put up with any of these extras on a daily basis. The only person I would be less pissed with having to share a dorm with is Shitty Hair.

Midoriya POV
My mom signed the papers allowing me to live in dorms. Ahh!! I'm so excited! What if I get to share a dorm with Todo?! Oh that would be fantastic!!!

Todoroki POV
I hope I get to share a dorm with Zuku. He's one of the only people I can tolerate and trust in this class.

Shigaraki POV
"Kurogiri. . . Did you hear the news?" He looked over at me, still cleaning a mug.

"No I haven't." I switched the TV on and turned up the volume.

"UA staff are moving students to dorms in hopes of trying to give more protection to the students." Said a reporter. After that I turned it back off.

"They're moving into dorms. And I have a plan." I smirked wickedly.

Back to Midoriya POV :) ((and a little time skip to them actually moving into dorms))
"Okay, here's the layout. Yours and your roommates name is written on your room section. Take a look." Mr. Aizawa set papers on the table in the 'living room' so everyone could see.

Each paper represented each floor. The entire floor one was just a common area. Floor two is where dorms started.

(Also since I'm putting them with roommates and stuff the dorms are bigger and there's gonna be less people on each floor—does that make sense-?)

Floor two:
Shoji & Tokoyami
Tsuyu & Ochaco

Floor three:
Mina & Hagakure
Koda & Satou

Floor four:
Aoyama & Ojiro
Kirishima & Sero
Todoroki & Kaminari

Floor five:
Iida & Koshiro
Jiro & Yaoyorozu
Midoriya & Bakugo

"Uh- Mr. Aizawa?" Mina started to say. "Who's Koshiro?"

"Oh right. He's going to be here in about an hour but for now start getting everything together-"


I turned pale. I hadn't gotten to that point. I already saw I wasn't with Todo so I was a little too scared to even look. I looked at the papers and saw me and Kacchan's name.

I looked over at Mr. Aizawa to see what he would say. He didn't even glance at Kacchan. He continued what he was saying. "Get all your stuff together and put it in your dorms. All the furniture is already placed in. Get your bags and go. And when Koshiro gets here I expect you all to be nice." He sighed. "I'm gonna go sleep now." We all watched him walk out the dorm building, then everyone's attention turned either back to the papers or to me and Kacchan.

"K-Kacchan, let's just-"


"O-okay." I mumbled.

This is going to be hard. I'm lucky it's the weekend so if I stay up all night in fear, it won't matter since tomorrow's Sunday. But then I'll have to try and sleep. Ugghhh this is going to suck!!

That's why you just kill him while he's sleeping. Easy peasy.

Shut the hell up and leave.


I sighed. I should really see a therapist.

I gathered my bags and made my way up to the fifth floor. When I got up there I started to unpack. I zoned out while doing so. I didn't hear the yelling behind me. Whoops.

I felt a hand slap the back of my head. And, sadly, my reflexes kicked in. I had been training to fight even while I was in General studies.

I quickly turned around and pinned whoever hit me against the wall by my bed. My leg was in between theirs and my arm was at their neck. Then I saw who it was.

Kacchan had wide eyes, and his mouth slightly open. My eyes widened and I practically fell backwards. "Oh gods, Kacchan, I-I didn't know it was you-! I'm s-so sorry! I didn't mean to-"

Kacchan lunges towards me and pinned me against the bed. He was in the same position I had been in, except on the bed of course. My hands were now pinned above my head. I blushed slightly at the position.

"Don't ever fucking do that again." He said lowly.

Well shit. When did Kacchan get hot-?


Did I just- no. No, no, no, NOO!! Fuck me and my gay ass thinking gay things about my fucking rival!!! Dammit!

"Uhm-uh. O-Okay."

He released me and walked over to his bed. Our beds were side by side, a little table with two lamps on each side separating the beds. The size of the beds were queens. There was a dresser next to each bed and a bathroom on the wall across from them. My bed was closest to the door, Kacchans was on the other side on the farthest wall. To be honest, it looked a lot like a hotel room. Except more roomy stuff. There was a closet on the same wall the bathroom was; on the wall across from the beds. It wasn't the biggest closet, but it was split in half with my school uniforms, and Kacchans schools uniforms. It had a little sheet separating the two.

I wish we a had a sheet separating our beds into different rooms. That would be nice. . .

Once I finished unpacking it was 5:00.
"Dinner time." Kacchan had already unpacked fully about thirty minutes ago. As I was changing into more comfy cloths when I heard a knock at the door. "Gimme a sec!" I put on a green hoodie and shorts and opened the door. "Oh hey Todo!"

He looked at me. "Hello Zuku. Momo and I made dinner for everyone. So I came to let you know." He was blushing slightly.

"Okay! I was just about to head down there to get something to eat anyways." I smiled at him gratefully.

When I walked down there I could already hear Kacchans voice. I could feel blood rush up to my face as I thought of our little encounter from earlier. When I arrived, Kacchan glared at me. I could see he was eating on the couch while also watching some shark show. I saw that Kirishima was also eating with him in the couch but he had his eyes fixed on the TV.

Why does Kacchan hate me so much??

Hello my friends!! I have been waiting for the time to come where they move into dorms so I'm kinda happy! Anyway, sorry this took long to come out (again) but I didn't realize it had been so long since I last posted a chapter. I thought it was less than a week ago but I guess I was wrong.

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