Chapter 20

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Midoriya POV
The date with Shinso was going pretty well. We went and saw a movie; we both agreed it wasn't that good. We went out to eat; now that was good. It looked like a normal fast-food place (which it was), but it was so much better than normal fast food. And it was healthy. Me and Hitoshi were skeptical about eating there, but we wanted to try something different. We then agreed to tell everyone we know about it because it was super under appreciated.

But by the end of the day, I came to the conclusion that I only like Hitoshi as a friend. And there probably wasn't anything that could change that. We agreed to talk about how he felt later; he didn't want to spill his feelings out in public.

When we got back to the dorms Shinso walked me to the dorm building I was staying at. We hugged and said our goodbyes, then I headed to my dorm room.

Once I walked in I immediately went towards my bed and flopped down and closed my eyes, not noticing the blonde sitting on his bead.

"How'd it go?" The sentence made my eyes shoot open.

He sounded calm . . . WHAT HAPPENED TO KACCHAN?!

I sat up in my bed with a bewildered look on my face. "H-how'd what go?"

He growled making me flinch. "Clean your ears out dammit! I asked how it went."

I smiled slightly. Kacchan's being nice. . . I can get used to this. "It went great! Thanks for asking!"

"Tch. Whatever. I only asked cause Shitty Hair told me to." He looked away and got got on his phone.

"Okayyy. . . whatever you say Kacchan!" I smiled brightly. I didn't really care if Kirishima told him to. He went through with it and barely yelled! I haven't heard him say anything to me without yelling since we were kids! So to me, this is a major accomplishment.

I still think you should've killed him. He's hurt you more times than you can count. Mentally and Physically.

Oh hush! You've been quiet for so long I almost forgot you existed. Go away again. Things seem to get better for me when you're not blabbering about killing in my head.

I just want what's best for you.

I'm not that desperate for love. So go away before you make things worse.

Fine, fine.

After a little while of playing on my phone I got ready for bed and went to sleep.



"Asshole, wake up."

"Dammit Deku, wake the fuck up."


My eyes shot open as I quickly took in my surroundings. I was in my dorm. (Where else would I be-?)

I looked over only to see Kacchan struggling to put on socks while standing up. I looked at the time on my alarm clock.


I shot out of bed and went to the closet to get my uniform. I hurriedly put it on, then brushed my hair and teeth at the same time. When I got out of the bathroom I saw Kacchan gathering all his notes he had been studying in his bag. I quickly put on my socks and shoes, not bothering to tie them properly (Along with my tie on my shirt but hey, when is that thing ever fixed correctly). In record time, me and Kacchan were both fully ready to go in five minutes.

We bolted out the dorm and out the doors of the building and ran all the way to UA. Once we arrived, the moment we took two steps in the classroom the bell went off and we hurried to our seats.

Koshiro (The new student who now sits in front of Midoriya if you guys remember) turned towards me. "That was a close one, huh? That's why I arrive ten minutes before everyone."

I nodded wishing I could do the same. I sighed. That was a close one.

HELLO MY FRIENDSSS!!! So i hit over 1k views and like--WHAT?! THANKSSS!?!?! To be honest I was expecting like no views- but thanks it makes me happy to know that people actually enjoy reading this for some reason. ANYWAYS SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER I HAD NO IDEAS THIS IS KINDA A FILLER!!

Theo, out~

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