Chapter 3

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Midoriya POV
Fuck. My. Life.

I fell asleep. I didn't want to do that. My plan was to stay up, sneak out, observe the positions of pro heroes and police, possibly sneak a kill if I could, then go back home and sleep. But no. Instead, I woke up to my alarm clock telling me to get up for school.

I laid my head back. Whelp, since my morning started out crappy, maybe I'll stop by Starbucks and get some coffee. Yeah, that sounds nice.

I got up, got dressed in my normal uniform, brushed my teeth and hair, and finally put on some socks and shoes.

"Izuku? Are you not going to eat breakfast?" My mom called out from the kitchen.

"Um no! I'm going out to get something."

"Oh, okay then! See you when you get home! And be careful!"

"Okay, yeah. I will! See ya!"

I opened the door and shut it quickly. Of course I'll Be fine. It's not like I'll kill myself.

I walked down the street that my favorite coffee store was on. Hmm. What'll I get today. Caramel Frappe? Vanilla Bean? Or maybe a Chocolate Mocha? Ooh. How 'bout one of those cookie ones? What was it called? Oh well.

I walked in and immediately saw someone I didn't recognize. Was he new at working here? He has two toned hair. One side was white and the other was red. He also had two different eye colors. The side with red hair had a blue eye color and the other side was grey. He was. . . cute. Cute didn't seem like the proper word. Pretty? Hot? Handsome? All of the above? Most certainly. And he looked my age. . .

"Hello. What can I get for you today?" He spoke to me. Holy crap he spoke to me!

Your number. . . Gosh I wish I had the confidence to say that. "Uhm. I'll get the. . . cookie. . . sweet, crunch." WAIT WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED. WHAT DID I SAY?!

"Did you mean the Cookie Crumble?"

"Uh, y-yes! Th-that's uh. Yeah that's what I meant. . ." Oh thank gods he understood me. Why is he so pretty? Even with the scar that was on his left eye. "H-hey. Um." Why was I speaking? "Are you, uh, new here? I've never seen you work here."

"Hm. You come here often?"

"Y-yeah. I do."

"Yeah. Today's actually my first day here. . . Am I doing well?" He chuckled quietly. Damn. He was doing well at winning my heart.

"Yes. You're doing great!" I shone him my famous smile. And he smiled smiled back. AHHH JUST WHEN I THOUGHT HE COULDN'T GET ANY CUTER.

"Well. You say you come often. Well, I hope to see you around often." Was he flirting with me?! No way. No way. This has never happened before. And with a guy as beautiful and nice as him?! What's happening?!

"Yeah, you too!" I really had to think about what I said next. Even if I only thought about asking it for about five seconds. "What's your name?"

"Shoto Todoroki. You can just call me Todoroki."

"Cool! I''m Izuku Midoriya! You can call me whatever you want. And, also, can I call you Todo?"

"Only if I can call you Zuku."

I was now blushing ferociously. "Y-yeah! Deal!"


A lady served up my coffee. "The Cookie Crumble is ready."

"Okay, Thanks." He said while grabbing the drink. "One sec." He took out a red marker and wrote something down on my cup. "Here. Look at what I wrote later."

"O-okay." I said while taking the cup. "I'll, uh, see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah. I'll see you later, Zuku."

Oh gods why was he this cute. I chuckled a little at the nick name. "Alright." And with that final word I walked out.

I was halfway done with my drink until I remembered he had written something. I looked at the side of my cup and stopped in my tracks.

Hope you have a good day Zuku! <3 Call me later if you can! His phone number was written under it. Holy shit. I just got a cute guys number. What is happening?!?!

I felt someone bump into my shoulder. "Oh! Sorry I-" I started to stutter out. Until I saw who had bumped into me. "Oh. Hi Kacc-"

"Watch where you stand next time nerd! If you just stand there looking like an idiot people are gonna get suspicious. Oh wait. Bet you're just standing there because of the shock. Ha! What? Sad they finally put out police and pro heroes out in the night so you can't go and kill anyone?" He continued to babble on while I was thinking of all the ways I could kill him. Well, It's not like I could I would do it here anyways. I still have the whole day to think about it.

"You know Kacchan," I started to say interrupting whatever he was saying. "I don't know why you say I'm a murderer. I can't even kill a deer because of how much I would feel bad for taking an animals life." (That's only partially true. I just think animals are a lot better than humans) "So what makes you think I would be able to kill a human?"

He stopped talking. He even looked a little shocked. "T-tch! whatever. I'm gonna go to school so I'm not late. So don't get in my way, Deku."

I sighed. Same old Kacchan. Why can't he just be nice like Todo? Wait. TODOROKI! I just got his number! I need to add it to my phone.

I took out my phone. I saw the time. Oh crap. Crap, crap, crap. School's going to start soon! I slurped up my coffee while also hurriedly tapping my phone to get the number on there while also fast walking and occasionally walking into things or people. Once I got the number into my phone, I quickly slurped up the rest of my coffee and threw it away, and started sprinting to my school.

I quickly walked into the school, went to my locker, got my stuff, then quickly shut it and fast walked to my classroom. I checked the time. I still had five minutes until class started. I decided to get on my phone and make a contact for Todoroki.


There. Perfect.

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