Chapter 17

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Midoriya POV
When I told Shinso about getting into the Hero course he seemed so happy for me. But I could see the sadness in his eyes considering he had also wanted to get into the Hero course. But, nonetheless, he was still excited.

I, however, had never been more nervous in my life. Kacchan is going to be in that class! What's gonna happen when I even walk in there?! Oh gods I'm freaking out!!

But now, it's time for me to find the class. Luckily, Todoroki knew about me joining his class, so when he saw me at the front gate, he told me he would walk me there.

"Thank you so much Todo! I don't think I'd ever be able to find it."

He chuckled. "I almost got lost the first day too. Some people in there said they had no problem finding it."

I figured we had arrived when I saw a huge door with '1-A' on it. "Woah. It huge. Probably since some quirks allow them to be bigger in size."

Todoroki opened the door and told me to wait while he went in. I stood there, my legs were shaking, my mind was running, my heart was beating a million miles an hour. Until I saw the door open by Todo and heard a faint "You can come in now."

I walked in still shaking, and looked around. Some people were missing from their seats, until I saw where they were standing. A red head, a guy with yellow hair, and a pink girl stood around a desk that held an all-too familiar blonde.

"DEKU?! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?! GO BACK TO YOUR DAM GENERAL STUDIES DUMBASS NERD!!!" Kacchan made an attempt to get up and probably get ready to punch me, but the redhead held him back.

"Bakugo, come on! He's our new classmate, be nice." He looked over at me. "My names Eijiro Kirishima. And from the looks of ,it you already know who Bakugo is." He gave me a soft smile. Kacchan has stopped struggling against Kirishima and was now simply glaring at me.

"Y-Yes, I know who Kacchan is."

The yellow haired one spoke next. "Kacchan? Is that a nickname for Bakubro? Hey I think I'll call him that too!" He turned towards Kacchan. "You've now been promoted from 'Bakubro' to 'Kacchan!' So now you can't yell at me for calling you bro! Which I'm still going to do by the way." He turned back to me. "I'm Denki Kaminari! And over here is the pink alien, Mina Ashido."

The pink girl smiled widely. "You know you're so cute in plain sort of way! You should hang out with us at lunch-!"


"I-Icyhot-? Todo is-is he talking about you?" Todo gave me a small nod.

"Sadly, yes."

There was more yelling coming from Kacchan and his friends. They were trying to calm him down and some people in the class were murmuring about my arrival and Kacchans yelling.

That's it. . . !

Wait what?! When did you get here—

"SHUT THE HELL UP!!!" I yelled. Unwillingly. . .

Everybody froze. Kacchan had wide eyes and so did all of his friends. My eyes widened as well.

"Oh gods! I'm-I'm so so sorry—I didn't mean to yell-"

"Hey it's alright." Todo put a hand on my shoulder and smiled softly. I could hear some people in the class gasp.

"Did Todoroki just smile?!"

"Oh wow that was so cute!"

"Can he do that again?"

"My heart just melted!"

All of the voices came from girls in the class. Wait. Does he not smile for anyone else. . . ? Is it only for me?!?! Oh gods Todo you're going to be the death of me!

After a couple minutes everybody introduced themselves and their quirks. I also realized that I had to sit behind Kacchan since that was the only other empty seat. Well there was two empty seats actually. But both were behind Kacchan. One was just directly behind him while the other one was behind that. An invisible girl that sat in front of Kacchan, names Hagakure, said the person who originally sat right behind him got expelled for trying to throw a chair at the teacher. When I asked where Mr. Aizawa was they said that some days he doesn't even come to class because he's in a conference or meeting. They said it wasn't unusual for him to not show up.

I also figured out some people in the class found their soulmates. Which is simply because they were humming their song. (Bet some of you forgot that was even a thing in this book) A girl from earlier, and a boy that was late for class were soulmates. Mina and a kid named Hanta Sero. He seemed nice enough. Then there was two girls. One of them I somewhat remembered seeing at the entrance exam. Her name was Ochaco Uraraka. Her and another girl that looked like frog, named Tsuyu. They were soulmates. Both super nice as well. Then there was some who didn't dare hum their song since they were afraid of who it might even be.

By the end of the day, everybody seemed at least find my company slightly enjoyable. I liked everybody in that class they all seemed really nice. Then there was Kacchan, the one person who refused to make any contact with me. Mr. Aizawa never showed up to class that day which was fine with me. I liked having time to get to know my new classmates.

I hung out with Shinso at lunch and talked to him on my way home. He would ask me questions on what it was like, and if people were nice to me in there. I told him everything, he even said that he would scold his father for not showing up and teaching me in class.

Le time skip to next day~

When I walked in Mr.Aizawa was there, along with a guy named Iida and the girl Uraraka. I greeted them, we talked for a little while until more people started showing up, and I went back to my seat, two seats behind Kacchan, and infront of a girl named Momo. She seemed the most pleased that 'that pervert is out of the class and school'. It really made me wonder what that other guy was like.

"Okay class, sorry for not showing up yesterday, I was in a meeting." Aizawa spoke. "But let me get straight to the point. In about a week, you all will be moving into dorms. Of course we'll need parent permission, which is why I'll give you these papers for your parents to sign. Midoriya, mind handing these out?" He took the papers in his his hand and gestures towards me. I didn't really take it as a question but more of an order so I got up and took the papers and passed them around.

Oh gods, I really hope my mom will allow me to move into dorms! It seemed like it could be fun!

"You'll also be having roommates."

My heart sank. What if I'm put with Kacchan?! No, no I don't think that would happen. Hopefully he'll put people with people that work well together! Yeah that sounds right! And so, I continued to pass out the papers that would decide where I lived during the school week.

Hello Peoples!! Sorry this took a little while to come out I'm on Vacation right now!! And honestly I'm slowly losing inspiration for this story but I'm not going to discontinue it! I'm gonna just skip a bunch of stuff and try to get to the point! Alright that's all I needed to say! BYE BYEEE

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