Chapter 5

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Midoriya POV

The 'date' was going well so far. We ordered what food we wanted and immediately started talking.

"Do you like burgers?" Todo was the one to start the conversation. "You seemed almost excited when you saw they had that type of burger."

"Uh, yea. They're my favorite food actually. Every time I go out I get a burger. They may seem a little plain, but there's always more to it."

"Hm. Almost like you, Zuku."

I smiled at the sentence and nickname. I might've even blushed a little. (And by a little, I mean a lot.) "Y-yeah! I guess you can say that."

It was only quiet for a couple seconds. We were kind of just examining each other. It wasn't even awkward, surprisingly. "So, what about you? Do you like soba?"

"Hm? Oh yeah. It's pretty much the only thing I eat. It's also my favorite food."

"Oh cool! I've actually never tried it before. I've always wanted—"

"Wait. Stop right there." He interrupted me.

"Hm? Yeah what is it?" I was slightly confused.

"You've never tried soba?! Like, ever?!"

I laughed a little nervously. "Nope. I was contemplating on whether or not to get it today. But, I didn't want to order it and end up not liking it."

"Well. Today's your lucky day."

Is it because I'm here with you? If so, you're right. Today is really a lucky day. "And why's that?"

"Because" He looked at me smirked. "I'm going to let you try my bowl of soba."

He's going to let me try it?! Does that count as sharing? But, that's what actual couples do. He's gonna do it with me?! "R-really? Y-you don't have to do that! It's your food, I don't want to take any away from you. . . " I started mumbling to myself. I kinda zoned out while talking out loud about soba, and sharing, and who knows what else.


I looked back at him. He looked a little confused, then I realized that I had mumbling. Oh gods what if he thinks I'm a weirdo now? People always find my muttering weird! "B-but it's your decision of course! If you want me to try it, then I gladly will!" I was obviously panicking, but, he didn't seem to care.

He simply smiled. "Yeah I want you to try it. You won't regret it."

I smiled back at him. He was such a soft soul, it was sooo cuuttee!

Todoroki POV

Zuku really needed to stop smiling. I've never tried to not blush so hard in my life. He was too precious. I wanted to just hug him and protect him on the spot.

While we were waiting for our food, topics stirred. Zuku seemed like a natural at starting conversations. I was never a fan at people who talked a lot, but there was something different about Midoriya. It seemed like there was so much more to him than just him. That one trait seemed to lure me in.

"So I've been wandering something about you Todo."

"Yeah? What is it?"

"I don't want to be nosy but. . your name, Todoroki. . ."

I knew this topic was going to come up eventually. I'm not surprised he's asking it.

"Does that mean you're somewhat related to Endeavor?"

"Um. . . yeah. I'm his son."

"Well, I'm glad you're honest and not bragging. Some kids would be really happy to have the Number 2 hero as their father."

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