Chapter 10

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Bakugo POV

It was finally the weekend. First week of fucking school and we already went through a villain attack. Some group of thugs who called themselves the 'League of Villains'. Dumb name. I mean, seriously, if you just spell it like 'LOV' then it's close to 'love'. Wow I'm so terrified.


"SHUT IT YOU OLD HAG I DO WHAT I WANT!" Despite what I said, I went downstairs to see what the hell she was yelling about.

"The hell do want?" I walked over to where she was on the couch with my dad. She had a TV remote in her hand.

"Look, Brat." She un-paused the TV.

There was a reporter talking on the screen with a headline that said 'League of Villains and Green Reaper strike at once.' "A police report says that the Green Reaper may be involved with the League of Villains. And if not, what would they become if he did join? What are your thoughts on this, Jim?"

"Well, no one knows the Green Reapers quirk. And no victim has ever escaped. Considering the amount of people the Green Reaper has killed, and how little information we have on him, I do really believe that if he were to join the League, they could potentially get stronger."

Why the hell are they saying this on TV? If the Green Reaper hears about this and does join them then what would happen? They shouldn't be broadcasting this shit to where the entire fucking world can see. Wait. Where did they even get that idea of the Green Reaper? He hasn't killed anyone in over ten months. Why are they bringing it up now?

"Mom. Why are they mentioning the Green Reaper when he hasn't killed in months?" I was still looking at the TV, listening to what the reporters were saying.

"What are you talking about? I'm surprised you haven't heard yet."

"Heard what?"

"The Green Reaper. He killed someone last night."

Shigaraki POV (Bet that was unexpected :p)

"You hear that Kurogiri?" I faced towards him. He stopped cleaning the mug in his hands.


"Hehe. . . We might have a new recruit. . . we just need to find him now."

"Who? The Green Reaper? Do you really think we can convince him to join us?"

"I just need to know what his desires are. Then we'll really see."

"And what would happen if he were to deny our request? What if he was to expose us and our hideout?"

"That's easy. Why do you ask such obvious questions?" I smirked. "We kill him of course."

Midoriya POV

I don't remember killing anyone last night. . .

I was watching the news when the topic came up. I immediately went pale.

What the hell?! Did this seriously happen?!

Yes. You don't remember? Oh it was such fun! Too bad. . .

Wait so you remember? But I don't! And, like, aren't you me? So how don't I remember and you do?

Ha! You actually I am you? That's such a stupid thought. . . but no. I'm simply the demon inside you. I've always been here. I'm here to take control when you don't want to be consumed by blood lust. You see. . . I take control so you can be consumed by it.

I'm a little confused. . .

Good. You don't need to know much. What you don't know, can't hurt you.

Yeah, but it can hurt others! What if you killed one of my friends?!

Well, technically, it would be your body who kills them. Your body, just not your mind. . .

What's that supposed to mean?!


Hello? You there?


Where are you?

Come back!

Wait no. Don't.

. . .

You're the reason for everything.

Don't ever come back.

HEYYYY! Sorry this is a short chapter. I couldn't really think of anything sadly. That's because this chapter was pretty unplanned. I came up with things as I went. I didn't mean to though. But, hoped you enjoyed this chapterrrr!


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