Chapter 23

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Izuku looked around to see where the familiar voice came from until it landed on a figure under a tree. Katsuki had taken a nap outside and woke up when he heard sobbing. When he saw where the crying was coming from he immediately got worried.

Midoriya's eyes widened when he realized that someone heard him. And not just anyone - his own damn soulmate.

"K-Kacchan. . . ?" He saw the other figure nod then start to look around.

When he seemed satisfied ha patted the ground next to him. "C'mere."

Izuku shakily walked over and sat down next to him. He tried to hold back crying but it was becoming unbearable.

"Let it out, Deku." Bakugo said calmly. And the fact that it was calm is exactly what made Midoriya crack. He cried uncontrollably and somehow ended up leaning against Bakugo as he rubbed his back and shoulder.

I can't remember the last time Kacchan was caring towards me physically. . . I think I like it. It's nice. . .

Who knows how long the two sat there. The only thing they knew was that they enjoyed it in the slightest. Bakugo almost missed being there for his rival. He missed being able to comfort him. Why did he have to be so mean to him? So what if he was quirkless; they were friends. That should've been the only thing that mattered.

And now, here they were. Izuku crying in Katsuki's shoulder, and Katsuki comforting him, trying not to cry as well. It was all fucked up. Everything in every way. The seemingly innocent Izuku Midoriya, was a murderer, and was now crying about how he wanted to end his life. And a seemingly emotionally strong, Katsuki Bakugo, was in reality, hurting his entire life and being something he wasn't so people thought greatly of him.

What had they gotten themselves into? What would've happened if they remained friends? Their lives would probably be ten times better, that's for sure. But where would they be now? Maybe they would've already found out the truth of how they were soulmates. Maybe they'd even be dating happily. Bakugo would definitely be happier, same with Izuku. They'd be happy together. But no. Here they were. Bakugo finally giving in and crying softly into Midoriya's hair.

"I'm sorry." The words made Midoriya's eyes widen and his head slowly lift up to where his eyes went up to Bakugo's neck; he was afraid to look any further than that.

"Me too. . ."

He felt Bakugo shake his head. "You have no reason to be sorry. I hurt you so many times-" His voice cracked and seemed to fade away. It broke Izuku's heart to hear it. He'd never heard him sound so vulnerable before. He just knew he didn't like it. His confidence gave him confidence too. He had, after all, looked up to him his entire life. So hearing him upset made him upset as well. "You have every right to hate me. . . Just know that I'm sorry, Dek- Izuku."

"I don't hate you Kacchan. . .I could never. I look up to you too much. No matter what you'll always be amazing to me."

It went quiet, the only thing heard was their cries and uneven breaths. It did eventually stop though. At some point they decided to just lay under the tree and try to see the sky.

Just like old times. . .


"Come on Kacchan!"

"Be quiet Izuku, your mom might hear us."

Izuku giggled as he climbed onto the roof of his house. He sat down as Katsuki climbed up and joined him.

"I never knew your attic had a way that lead up to your roof, Izuku." He whispered.

Izuku nodded his head. "Yep! Mom told me about it a couple weeks ago and I couldn't wait to show you. And look! You can see the stars and clouds! Isn't cool?!"

Katsuki looked up then smirked. "Sure it is, but you know what would make it less cool?"

"Nothing could! This is the coolest thing ever so nothing can ruin it!"

"Yeah whatever you say. . ."

It was silent for a moment. "So. . . What would it make it less cool?"

Katsuki grinned. "It would be less cool if you weren't here. So the only thing making this cool right now is you because your super cool, Izuku."

He was shocked but quickly recovered. "What?! Nuh uh, you're way cooler than me Kacchan! If you weren't here it'd be super boring and I would have no one to hang out with."

". . . Thanks Izuku. You're the best."

"Well you're even better Kacchan."


And they laid down and looked up as the moonlight was hid by clouds making them more visible, and the clouds blocked the view of the stars, but only some. They took turns making up constellation names and simply enjoying each others company.

End of flashback~

They lay there in silence looking above them and wondering what the future held. But they weren't just thinking of the future of course. They were thinking of everything. The past when they were closer than ever, the present and how they both had so much to say but couldn't say it, and then of course, the future and how it would all end.

So they waited to see what would come. They waited to see if one of them would break the silence even if it was calming to just hear the wind and the breath of the other person. Until One of them did break the silence.

"That one's Turtle Dogopterus because it looks like a turtle with a dog tail." Midoriya pointed up at the sky at the stars.

Bakugo tried to see where he was pointing and when he did see it, he smirked. "Eh. It looks more like a cat tail to me. So it would be Turtle Catopterus."

Midoriya whipped his head to the side to face him. "What?! No way! It's totally a dog tail. Just look at it!"

"I'm looking at it. . . and it's totally a cat tail. See how it's more bent and curved-" He pointed up and traced his finger to what he was seeing not caring if the other male knew what he was talking about.

"Well what if it's a husky tail? Their tails are bent and curved."

Katsuki thought for a second. "Fine. You have a point. It's a turtle husky."

"Turtle Dogopterus, I think is what you meant." Izuku smirked at his win.

"Fine. Turtle Dogopterus. . . But now you've wasted your turn. My turn now to find one that's even better than that."

"What! My turn wasn't wasted! And I bet you won't be ale to find one as cool and quickly as I-"

"Found one."

"No way! Where?! What's it called?!"

Bakugo chuckled at his excitement. "Patronus Centaurus."

Midoriya shot up into a sitting position and gasped. "Like Harry Potter." He looked over. "You do mean patronus as in Harry Potter right?!"

Bakugo nodded and Midoriya gasped in excitement and looked up. "Where is it and why didn't I see it?"

He pointed his finger. "Its mixed in with the clouds so I thought it looked like a patronus charm from Harry Potter since the moon is making it light up, and you can kinda see the stars past the cloud and if you follow them it kinda looks like a centaur, don't you think?"

The two kept talking about it and eventually started talking about Harry Potter and other movies and which were their favorite. How Percy Jackson was awesome but the movies 'Can go throw themselves in Tartarus and then drown and burn in the river Styx' as Bakugo said.

At some point in time they stopped talking and simply laid up against the tree and just listened. They listened to the crickets, to the wind, and eventually to the birds when it hit 5 AM. They eventually just fell asleep, Midoriya leaning on Bakugo's shoulder, and Bakugo's head on Midoriya's.

What's this? Two chapters in one day?!?! YESSIIRRR!!! I really felt like writing today and yeah- here this is...I actually enjoyed writing this chapter- it was pretty long though and my legs hurt- and guess what- I'm supposed to be doing school work but instead I'm writing fanfic so- y a y y y. I'm doomed.

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