Chapter 9

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Midoriya POV

Shinso's really nice. Well, kinda. To be honest, I don't think he really cares to be around me. But hey, he doesn't complain about me following him everywhere so I considered that a sign of a potential friendship blooming.

At lunch time I figured out that I have the same lunch and Todo. I also figured out that I have the same lunch as Kacchan. I was a little disappointed about that but I figured I would just stay away from him.

"There's this kid in my class," Todo started to say. "His names' Katsuki Bakugo. I can already tell he's going to be annoying all throughout the year."

We were sitting at a table at lunch that was left open. There was people around us but it seemed like they were keeping their distance.

"Oh, heh, so you got Kacchan in your class, huh? Yeah, the school year might end up like hell since he's there."

"Oh? You know him?" Todo looked at me with curiosity.

I sighed. Should I tell him about the bullying? No. Knowing Todoroki, he might go and try to fight Kacchan. They'd kill each other. "Yeah. We were in the same classes a lot. We were sorta childhood friends but when he developed his quirk, his ego got even bigger." I chuckled a little bit.

"Yeah, I can imagine that. He's too full of himself."

"Oh trust me, I already know." We laughed quietly. "So. . .Uh- how's the hero course?" I wanted to know what I was missing out on.

"Our teacher is odd. This morning he came to class in a sleeping bag then told us to wear a certain piece of clothing that I think is going to be like a athletic piece of clothing. Then we went outside and did agility tests to see how much better we were now compared to middle school since we're aloud to use our quirks."

"Oh well that sounds cool. We just went to that ceremony thing this morning, then afterwards we got time to just sit around and get to know our classmates. We'll actually start doing things tomorrow."

He nodded his head. "Have you made any new friends?"

"Kinda? I don't really know if he considers me his friend or not but he seems nice enough."

"Oh? What's his name?"

"Hitoshi Shinso. His quirk is pretty cool. It's called 'Brainwash'. If something he says is targeted at someone specifically and they respond to him, then he can put them under his command. It also only takes affect only if he wants it to. I was thinking about the amount of villains he could easily catch with a quirk like that."

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking."

No Ones POV

The two were simply eating their lunch and occasionally talking about random subjects, until a certain someone had to interrupt.

"So, Deku, you actually made it in?" Izuku looked up to see Bakugo staring down at him.

Todoroki spoke, "What did you just call him?" He stood up.

"U-uh! Todo no, it's-it's okay! I don't mind. And to answer your question Kacchan, yes. I did make it in."

"And to what? General Studies? Ha! They didn't know what to do with you so they just through you in there, huh?" He said in a mocking tone.

"What's so bad about General Studies?" A new voice joined in. The three looked towards the voice.


Shinso looked toward Izuku and their eyes met. Shinso simply smirked, then turned his attention back at Bakugo.

"So? What's your answer? What's so bad about General Studies?"

"This is none of your-!" All of sudden, Katsuki stopped talking, his eyes looking like he was in a daze.

"Slap yourself."

He did as he was told. Izuku tried to hold in a laugh. "Pft. S-Shinso, haha, he's going to kill you after you release him."

"Eh. He can only do that if he finds me. Lunch is about to be over, I came here to get you since I don't actually remember the way back to class. Then I heard what this asshole said and felt a need to mess with him."

"Well, uh, thanks? I guess."

"I'll release him from my command when there's people swarming the cafeteria. Then he won't be able to spot us."

"Solid plan. It'll probably work."

Todoroki joined in, "Yeah, but there's still tomorrow. Who knows what he'll do."

"I could just mess with him every day. But, soon enough he'll find out my quirk and not respond to me."

"You know, Shinso, you could always just sit with us. It would probably keep him away from all of us during lunch. Well, once he figures out your quirk. He'll just be a little mad about today's incident for a day or two."

"Yeah, sure." He turned his direction towards Bakugo, then pulled out his phone and checked the time. "Lunch is about to end." The second after it was said, the bell ringed. "Ight. Lets get going."

"O-oh! B-bye Todo! I'll see you later!"

"Yeah. See you later, Zuku."

Midoriya smiled, then walked into the crowd with Hitoshi. After a couple seconds, Bakugo was officially released from Shinso's command and could barely be heard yelling from how loud the cafeteria was.

Shinso and Midoriya walked to class together. There wasn't much conversation between the two, and if there was, it was because Izuku had started the conversation. And little did Midoriya know, Shinso liked the company. He was just good at not showing it. But. . . there was something about Midoriya. . . Shinso felt like he could trust him.

And while Shinso was having those thoughts. . . Midoriya's thoughts were a little more twisted.

I haven't killed anyone in over ten months. I want to punch something. I want to take my feelings and anger out on someone or something. My blood lust is going insane. I want to kill someone. I won't kill anyone at this school. Well, to be honest, it doesn't even have to be a person I kill, but that's what I would really prefer. I never even scouted the neighborhood to see where the police and pro heroes were located. I don't even know which pro heroes will be out. Maybe I should just go to the gym? Punch a punching bag over and over again? UGH! Gods I don't know what I should do! For now I'll just have to keep it together. I'm good at faking smiles and such, so this won't be any different from any other time. . . I just have to keep it together. . .

But. . .

Will I be able to. . .?

AAANNDDD That's the 9th chapter completed!!! I'm honestly really, really surprised at how much reads this is getting. I wasn't expecting this AT ALL. But uhhh Yeah! Little Mido is having issues and honestly, I was not expecting to write this chapter like this at all. I had a small plan, and none of that plan happened. So yeah! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Byyyeee!


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