Chapter 24

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"Mina come here!" Someone whispered.

"I'm coming, I'm coming."

"That's what she said-"

Mina slapped Sero in the arm and went over to what Kaminari was taking pictures of. "What is it- AWWWWWW!!"

Mina got our her phone and started taking pictures of the two leaning against the tree. . . together.

This is a once in a life time opportunity. Of course I'm going to take; it why wouldn't I-?. She thought.

Some more of the students started to gather around the tree and snap photos and whisper among themselves.

"What's going on here?" Midnight and Mr. Aizawa showed up walking towards the group.

Everyone cleared to where the teachers could see the two. Midnight silently squealed as Aizawa pinched his nose and sighed. "I'm not even- you know what- you guys deal with it. Not my problem if Bakugo wakes up." And with that, he walked away unfazed by the idea that there was a high chance his students would most likely get injured once Bakugo did wake up.

"Even if I do die..." Kaminari started to say. "At least I'll have this picture on my phone, and at least I'll die knowing I saw Midoriya and Bakubro cuddling."

Sero nodded his head undertsandly. "That was deep."

"SHH! You guys will end up-"

"What the fuck is going on-?..." Everyone turned their heads to the tired, angry-sounding blonde that was leaned up against the tree. He looked at everyone the looked at the green headed male leaning in his shoulder who was stirring awake.

"Hmm...?" Midoriya groaned and sat up rubbing his eyes like a child. He looked around then looked where he was and who was sitting next to him-

Kacchan. . . ?

Midoriya POV
WHY AM I NEXT TO KACCHAN AND WHY WAS I SLEEPING ON HIM OUTSIDE?!?! WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT I-...Oh right. I was feeling upset and when I came outside he offered for me to sit next to him. . . He was nice to me. . . We talked about childhood and reenacted it by making up constellations. . . That was the best night I've had in a long time.

That's odd isn't it? Kacchan - my rival - just gave me the best night I've in a while.

And then we slept outside. . . Leaned up against each other. . . WAIT HOLY CRAP WE DID THAT!! And I'm not dead? Huh. Interesting.

I stood up, my face beaming red. "What time is it?"

Mina giggled, "About 9:30 in the morning."

"O-oh. Well-"


I froze and turned around to look at my childhood friend. "Yes, Kacchan..?"

His head was tilted down as he was glaring- wait. Glaring? No, he wasn't glaring. It was more of a Shake It Off And I'll Deal With These Idiots, probably meaning, Go Away So I can Explode Them In Peace. So - pretty much - the same thing.

I turned to my classmates. "I'm gonna go shower, or - or something. So- uh- see ya-?" I sped walked into the dorm building and sprinted to my room as I heard fast foot steps running from behind me. Don't look back. They'll ask me to help them then probably bait me to talk about what happened. Or they'll just ask for help since Kacchan will most likely throw some explosions here and there.

I ran into my dorm room and sat in my bed hard. I sighed and laid down thinking about what had happened, and how it happened, and why it happened. I didn't have an answer to any of those questions.

Then I remembered.


He's my soulmate...

Was he only being nice because of that..? Or was it actually him...?

After those thoughts, the only thing I remember is that everything got blurry and then it went black.

How was the cliff hanger? XD I'm in school writing this- and also- I think there's only gonna be like two more chapters then I'm done and will continue on other stories and whatnot- I also deleted that one thing I started writing cause I had no inspiration so yeah-
But yeah, here's chapter 25 (remember when I did that when I first started writing XD) anddd I HOPE YALL HAVE A GOOD DAY/NIGHT!! BYE, LOVES

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