Chapter 7

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3rd POV

Midoriya had been training like crazy. He was training his muscles in general to have more body strength without his quirk. He was training on using his quirk to make solid objects that were small and large. He was also training on making images with his quirk. He wanted more than anything to pass the entrance exam. He wasn't sure what it was going to be like but he wanted to be as prepared as possible. He studied everything there was to know about being a hero and he studied normal school stuff.

Bakugo was his normal self, though the two started to really avoid each other. The Green Reaper hadn't killed a single person in six months. It almost seemed as if the killer had. . . disappeared. Of course Katsuki still bothered Izuku about that.

"You stop killing people 'cause you're training to be a hero?"

"What's the point? You already kill people for a living, I don't really see a point in you becoming a hero."

"What? You think becoming a hero will make everything better? Not that it matters, you won't even be able to get into the hero course with that quirk."

When Bakugo had said that last thing to Izuku, Midoriya had a little idea to mess with the angry Pomeranian a little bit. "So," Midoriya started to say. "You're saying I won't get onto the hero course?" He asked.

"Well duh! What do you think I'm saying! With a dumb quirk like that you can't become a hero."

"But Kacchan." He said his name sternly. When the blonde turned to face Izuku, he was almost scared. But, of course, he didn't show.

Midoriya had a shit-eating grin. What made it scary was the fact that he doesn't grin, he only smiles brightly. So when Midoriya grins, it looks demonic and insane. "-Kacchan. What you're saying, is that I won't get into the hero course. But, you're not denying the fact that I will get into UA. So, in conclusion," He folded his arms across his table. "You know that I can get into UA."

"T-tch! No!--"

He raised his voice. "You know that I'm good enough to get into it. So, Kacchan, answer me this. . . " Izuku looked up into the daring eyes of his rival. "What are you going to do once I do end up in the hero course?" He smiled, though, it wasn't his usual nice one. It was a challenging and determined, but yet a crazed smile. And that scared Katsuki. He never felt the need to consider the boy anything more than an annoying nerd that was in his way. Now he was scared that that same dam nerd would end up being in his way of becoming the number one hero.

"T-tch! W-whatever." And with that, Bakugo turned around and left the classroom. (They were in the classroom and everyone else had already left so that conversation was private. Just thought I should elaborate)

Bakugo POV (Bet you weren't expecting that :D)

What the actual hell. That look in eyes. . . I've been joking around about him being the murderer but. . . that look, and smile. . . it looked like the eyes and smile of a psychopath. I've never seen that look on him before.

"Tch." I continued to walk to my house. It wasn't that far so I never took a taxi. And plus, it's extra exorcising. I'll take any opportunity I can get to get stronger. Even if I'm fine with how I am now, there's always more to do.

I started to think about what Deku had said.

"What are you going to do once I end up in the hero course?" And then he did that insane smile. Can you even call it that? A smile? A grin? Smirk? Whatever the fuck it was, it was crazed.

What would I do if he ended up in the hero course? He'd rub it in my face no doubt. Plus, if he's been training really hard with hid quirk, I know that much. One time I went to the gym and he was there. . . and he suddenly didn't look or seem weak anymore. If he's training his body then he's definitely training his quirk. And, if he's had that much progress with making his body stronger, then his quirk is also probably really strong by now as well.

I groaned. Why am I thinking of the dam nerd? He's Deku! I shouldn't give him the pleasure of making me think about him and what he said.

If he gets in the hero course. . . then I'll just have beat his ass even more to show that I'm better.


Big time skip to the entrance exam~

Midoriya POV

"READY?! GOOOOO!!!" Present Mic's voice boomed through the speakers.

This is my chance! This is what I trained for! I can do this!

I started running to try and find the robot thingies.

Why can't I find any?!


Dammit! Has it already been this long?!

I was running along until I came across a zero pointer. Oh wow that thing's huge. What do I do? Do I run? Oh gods I'M GONNA DIE.

Next thing you know, the world was moving and wind was in my face. Oh. Thanks legs.

I was running away. I was almost amazed at how fast I was. I mean hell, I have been training for the last 10 months.

As I was running I came across a one pointer.

"2 MINUTES REMAINING!" Shit. I better get this over with. I used my quirk to make a metal-.. shield? That's what it looked like but it could be used as a weapon. I made sure to make the edges kind of sharp so it can cut through. And while I was at it I made specialized gloves for myself do the metal doesn't hurt me. (This may sound like Momo's quirk but trust me it's not. I'll make a little thing that explains his quirk a little bit more so don't worry)

With the hunk of metal I slashed the one pointer until it was completely inactive.


No. No. No. No. NO. NO. NO.

I almost started crying but I held myself together. I slowly walked back to the instructed area.

Smol Time skip to a week later and a sad Mido~

I cried every single night and every single time I was alone. Todoroki is going to be in the hero course. And knowing Kacchan he probably will be as well. If the two of them end up in the same class together then Kacchan will end up being even more competitive.

Oh well.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knocking at my door. My mom walked in with a letter in her hand.

"I-Izuku. The letter arrived."

I immediately sat up in my bed. I jumped off of it and grabbed the letter from her. "Wait out here." I told her. She nodded her head and I closed the door.

My hands were shaking. I was angry and sad. What's the point in sending a letter if I already know I didn't pass. I was feeling really aggravated now. I just sat down in a chair and ripped the letter in half. But then a small object fell out of it, and projected into a tiny hologram of All Might. I was a little stunned to see him. And to be honest I wasn't exactly sure what he said. But I also did-..? I heard him but I wasn't completely listening.

I-I made it in. But, I got into general studies?! Because my quirk isn't really suited to be with the hero course kids I guess. Oh well. At least I got in. There's going to be more chances for me to get into that class. And I won't stop fighting until I do.

BOOM END OF CHAPTER 7 WHAAAA?!?!?! Sometimes I think I kin present mic. Annoying blonde? THAT'S ME. Uhm anyways I'm gonna write a part after this explaining more things that I might've missed while writing this and I'm just too lazy to add in.


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