Chapter 2

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Midoriya POV

I was all over the news. When I got home it was all my mom was talking about. "Izuku, sweetie, I don't want you going out to the park at night anymore. It's too dangerous. That one villain, The Green Reaper, supposedly he killed another person last night. I don't want you to end up getting hurt."

"Oh yeah I heard about that. Another teenager right?" It was kinda sad that I already knew everything about this case since I'm the one who started it. I did feel bad that my mom didn't know about my secret life. She couldn't know. She's too pure and would never think that her thought-to-be pure son was a serial killer. It would break her heart. Look, I'm a good person but also just a sociopath. Once you're insane and you get blood on your hands, it's not just lust for love, but lust for blood. It becomes almost addicting to see people with frightened faces looking around desperately to see if they can spot the murderer. Do they ever spot me? No. No they don't. And all thanks to my quirk.

I started to watch TV. Nothing much was on so put on the news. They were talking about me. Man, every other villain in the country must be jealous. Well, yeah sure I've been doing this for months now but jeez, I was all anyone was talking about nowadays. "The police have predicted he may be after young people specifically. So parents, watch over your kids, and young adults be careful, and be safe. Now, for the weather." A news reporter said. Ah crap. Now they know I'm only killing young people. Maybe I should sneak out tonight and kill some old lady or something to throw them off my trail a little. Actually no. I'll wait a day or two so they don't suspect I'm doing it because of what they said on the news. They don't need to know that I'm seeing everything. It's kinda dumb really. They say all these things that are supposed to be helpful to the police but their just helping me more. But, that's for me to know and them to not find out.

"We just got new information about what police and pro heroes are going to do to help solve The Green Reaper case." Shit. "They say pro heroes will be out during the night along with the police force, in hopes of catching him when he strikes next." Shit. Shit. Shit. What am I going to do now?! The police?! Pro heroes?! What if they put All Might out to watch? How am I gonna find my soulmate now? How am I going to kill now? If I use my quirk they're going to know it's probably me. And if I get caught then I'm never going to see my soulmate.

"Izuku, sweetie? Are you okay? You look pale. Do you need a glass of water?" My mom stated, snapping me out of my panicking.

"Uh, y-yeah. Sure." I put on a smile, to let her know I was okay. Even though I was most certainly NOT okay.

She gave me glass and I drank it quickly. "I'm gonna get ready for bed. I'll be in the shower." I said while making my way to my bathroom.

"Okay, well, dinner will be out by the time you get out."


I quickly went into the bathroom and locked the door. Fuck. I looked at myself in the mirror. The bags in my eyes seemed to get bigger every day. If I keep this up I'm definitely going to look crazed. I ran the sink water and splashed my face even though I was about to take a shower. I looked at myself again and put on a big fake smile. Hmm. Soon enough people are going to know how fake that smile is. Then they'll never believe you. I thought.

I ran the shower water while running my hand through it to see when it got warm. Once it was warm I stripped my cloths and got in. It was a little too hot for my liking's but I got used to it. My skin was red and the burning water was beginning to hurt. I deserve it. I thought. After everything I've put people through, I don't even deserve to have such a nice mom, house, or even to live. I don't deserve to be here. I looked over at the razor. I've never done this before. So why do I want to do it now. I've felt like this before, but I never really considered cutting myself. Well, there's a first time for everything.

I took the razor in my hand and lined it up to my wrist. What if my mom see's? A small part of my brain thought. Then just cut higher, the rest of my brain said, somewhere she won't see it.

I moved it up higher. It was near where my elbow was but closer to my wrist. I'll just have to wear long sleeves. And with that final thought, I cut. It bled. Shit. Fuck. Dammit. Bad idea. Bad idea. Fuck. Crap. Why did I do that? I'm not depressed. I've just done some bad shit, that's all. We all die eventually, I just made those people get over with it. Ending their life early so they can go into a new one. Who know maybe that life would be better. Right?

No. That's not right.

Shut up.

You're a bad person. You've killed so many innocent lives.

Hey we all know some of those people weren't exactly innocent-

That doesn't matter! They were all so young and had their whole lives ahead of them!

Some of them weren't young. I've killed old people too-

Doesn't matter! You've killed that's what matters! You killed people who probably wanted to die peacefully!

Well we don't always get what we want, now do we?

That shut it up. I looked down at my arm. There wasn't anymore blood so I decided to leave it be and not cut anymore. For now.

I washed my body, face, hair, etc... and got out. I myself in the mirror for the third time that night. I'll find a way to get past the cops and heroes. It shouldn't be that hard. Right? Eh, it probably will. I'll probably just go out to scout where they are first, then make a plan. I've been living here since I was born, and sneaking into places that were off limits with Kacchan and his friends. I probably know the place better than the police and heroes do. I'm sure I'll find a way.

I looked at my arm. Jeez. It was red. And long. How and why did I do that so big? Ugh. I quickly ran into my room with a towel around my waist, and closed the door. I found night cloths that were long sleeved and I got shorts. I took a deep breath and walked out to see food on the counter and my mom on the couch watching the news. I got my food and sat down with her. Sheesh. She must be really worried. They were talking about me. Again. How long were they going to keep this up? I was in the shower for twenty minutes. Maybe it was just off and on.

After I ate my dinner and brushed my teeth for the night, I got in bed. I'll go scout out tomorrow night. If I get everything done quickly then maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to sneak a kill.

After those lovely thoughts I closed my eyes, and drifted to sleep.

Ayeee second chapter completed.
For now most of this is gonna be in Izuku's POV but it'll change soon enough

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