Chapter 22

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Yes I know that picture is from haikyuu and this is a different fandom but it's cute and I thought I should share it :)

No ones POV
"Yo okay?" Kirishima asked.

Midoriya didn't dare look up - he was too afraid to. Once he heard Kirishima say those words he already knew he was doomed.

Bakugo got up and walked out the door quickly. Kirishima tried to run after him but Kaminari stopped him. "Leave him be for a little while. I don't want him to try to explode you-"

"It's my fault." Everyone went silent and turned to the green haired boy. If a pin was dropped you'd be able to hear it.

Mina was the first to speak up. "W-what-? No- *sigh* Mido it's not your fault."

"Yeah, dude, it's my fault." Kaminari tried to reassure him. "I'm the one who asked you to do it."


"GUYS!" Sero yelled. "If we keep blaming ourselves we're not going to get anywhere."

"Yeah," Mina said. "Sero's right. Let's leave Bakugo be for a little bit. . . unless you want to talk to him Mido. . ."

The green haired kid looked up with wide eyes, looking like he was about to cry. "He'd kill me."

Lil time skip~

It was the middle of the night and Izuku was crying. Of course his childhood friend/bully was his damn soulmate. And even though he knew there was no doubt that Kacchan was his soulmate, he wanted to throw a knife at him just to make sure.

His sobbing got to the point where he had a hard time breathing, so he decided to go downstairs and outside to catch his breath. When he went outside he decided to simply walk around and hum his song. The one thing he refused to do since 'killing was more fun'. Why'd he have to try to figure it out the hard way? Why couldn't he have just let those innocent people live? Especially since his soulmate was so close to him this entire time. And why wasn't he surprised? It's almost as if he saw it coming. He even suspected it for a while, but then the bullying just got to a point where he couldn't even feel anything towards his childhood friend. He wasn't mad at him, he wasn't happy either, but he did yearn to at least feel something for the blonde male. Even if it was. . . Love.

He started to cry uncontrollably. Why am I incapable feeling emotion any emotion except sadness? Why can't I just be normal?! What if Kacchan was right. . . Maybe I should go jump off the roof. . . then I won't have to deal with everything and Kacchan can get a new soulmate. . . someone he deserves. . . someone better. . .

But I want the consequences. . . I deserve them. I can't run away from the fact that I'm a murderer. The fact that I've killed several people when I could've just hummed and found out years ago. Maybe then we could've stayed friends. . . maybe then he would be happy unlike he is now. . . it's all my fault. I wish I could kill myself then face the consequences. Then everyone would be happy. . . and I would be gone.

. . .

What have I done?

Heyo peoplesss, How long has it been since I've written a chapter? I have no clue. We are nearing the end and I have it all planned out so please don't be mad at me when I do finish it. Who knows maybe I'll do a second book so you guys aren't completely dissapointed. But who knows, you guys will just have to comment and say what you want. Anyways do people read this? If you do you should say hello and have a great rest of your day/night! BYE BYEEEEE


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